Council of Elders: Mintaka. 🛸😇✨🧙🧜‍♂️🛸

Council of Elders: Mintaka

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Greetings and blessings to all,

We are delighted to have this rare opportunity to connect through space and time with you, our beloved brothers and sisters. If you feel a deep connection at this moment, it may be because you are a Mintakan being.

The Golden Era of Mintaka

Imagine a time 40,000 years ago, when our star system was a vibrant hub of life, teeming with beings in physical form. Our world was transitioning into the sixth dimension, and we were in the process of activating our light bodies. It was an era filled with joy and bliss, where the purity of our vibration was our highest priority. We were masters of the water element in all its states, creating a harmonious and playful existence. Picture crystal-clear waters, luminescent underwater temples, and lush floating islands adorned with cascading waterfalls. Our simple and carefree lives revolved around the realization that Light was all we needed. We became self-sufficient and ecstatic, leaving behind the need for physical sustenance and embracing the art of shape-shifting. We existed in multiple dimensions, celebrating the multifaceted nature of reality.

The Fall of Mintaka

However, this paradise was not to last. Visualize the tranquility of our world shattered by massive ships arriving to install new portals, disrupting the delicate balance of our ecosystem. The devastation was swift and merciless, with many of us perishing in an instant, followed by subsequent waves of destruction. Imagine the anguish of those who survived, retreating into small, hidden communities, striving desperately to restore what was lost. Despite our efforts, the damage was too great, and our once-thriving civilization was reduced to a shadow of its former glory. Our souls were enveloped in sorrow, and we became few in number, existing now as light beings, drifting through the remnants of our world.

The Journey to Earth

You, dear Mintakan soul, may have chosen to leave our star system and reincarnate on Earth, drawn by its similar vibrational frequency. Envision the ancient times of Atlantis, where many of us brought the sacred teachings of Mintaka to this new world. Through countless lifetimes, you have carried the wisdom and energy of our homeland, longing for a connection to your true origins. Atlantis and Lemuria also faced their demise, but the legacy continued through the ages, especially during the era of Ancient Egypt. You have contributed immensely to Earth’s evolution and will continue to do so.

The Awakening

Now, in this pivotal moment, the time has come to awaken to the truth within. The magic of a New Earth is upon us, and with it, the opportunity to rekindle the energy of Mintaka. Picture a world where water dragons and mermaids once again roam, where the portals to Mintaka’s past have been reactivated. By visiting sacred places on Earth, you can tap into this energy, inviting the beauty and vibrational essence of Mintaka to flourish once more.

Our Mission

We are a dedicated group of beings, the keepers of the Mintakan vibration. Together, we will create energy grids that mirror the high frequency of our beloved planet. Embrace joy, trust, and love, for we are here to support and guide you.

Feel the connection, embrace the journey, and let the spirit of Mintaka shine through you.
With infinite love and light,

The Council of Elders