This is long and timely ~ it resonates in my heart... ALL NEW ENERGIES NOW RULEby Lisa Trancendance Brown –– 3-24-17 It’s up to you to transmit AS LOVE, as a PURE DIVINE BEING OF LIGHT and let the drama/chaos/distractions go… focus your energy on what is important to you, apply yourself and ALL OF THE MASTERY TOOLS available and come together like never before. |
Aloha beautiful galactic soul family, Higher timelines to support each next phase of the human’s SOUL JOURNEY now….. Yes, each aspect experiences this very differently. The more human, the more physical. The more SOUL, the more it’s all JUST ENERGY…. At first, everyone had to work to get their heart open… not a little bit, all of the way (and many are still in this part of the process now). Every bit of emotional everything has to cleanse the cellular body. Each emotion partnered with a thought or belief of separation (unconsciousness). This created duality/dualistic realities until all unifies and merges back into the PURITY OF LOVE within. Higher consciousness existence means your mind too. The higher mind is very different than the human mind and each must learn/remember how to function using the HIGHER MIND which is the observer through the higher heart. It's awareness that was not there before. It’s a connection with all things as ONE, it’s you as your higher self observing the outside world with new eyes and seeing what you did not have the capability to before. Realities interactive, all connected energetically. Messages in everything for that “matrix” is yours and it’s up to you to decode it, understand it, listen to everything and be fully present like never before. As SOULS, we are slow, present, totally in-tune with the energy of everything. WE are observers, the watchers and we hear/see/feel with every sense, in every direction. Time ceases to exist, for we are not bound by the constraints of time anymore. We learn to maneuver these energetically and learning a whole new way of functioning BEYOND THE PERCEPTIONS OF the separation of time. Mastering “Time” is a part of becoming a MASTER again. We slow it all down, bring it all to a halt and move in unison… We can speed our bodies up and accomplish at a rate that boggles the human’s mind, for we do not have the delay that we used to, for that delay was the separation of our heart/mind/soul before….. As UNIFIED LIGHT BEINGS we dictate and move accordingly. WE speed up and slow down in unison with the cosmos, from inside. We can move in any direction and across all dimensions simultaneously just through our presence…. As collectives ascend and come out on the other side to walk in higher vibrational realities, everything speeds up & slows down differently here. If the human kicks in and tries to inner-fear with the process, it will overload, fry, get shut down. |
These mega-high vibrations dictate realities now. Where each has come to function this “new way” (as a multi-dimensional and embodied highest aspect selves), it’s easy and we know no other way. Energy is who we are at our core and it’s where we function from in everything that we are and do. The other day the words were “All new energies now rule”…. and what became visible was beautiful and the experiences too. Collectively we’ve accomplished so much, individually too. The days of the old are gone (this is continually true here). The Phoenix Energies of continual death/rebirth are in every moment/thing…. The moment new awareness comes through, the old is gone…if each allows it to be and shifting into a higher timeline is easy where one chooses this. We’ve been dealing with the “catch your breath” remnants of the whirlwind of massive Super Quantum Timeline Jumps recently too. A fresh new starting point and the ability to synchronize on a higher plane of existence and a new space to move from… in every direction. Observing the unraveling and deconstruction phases is challenging for our human, yet as SOULS we understand that this part of the process is necessary and has been coming for matrix-bound collectives ready to break out and expand beyond. The human will move to fear when the physical is shaken or no longer able to be controlled in the old ways anymore. WE are here to hold the higher timelines in place so that those ready can choose to exit easier than we experienced (part of being a forerunner). There is nothing that is not touched by Awakening/Ascension and the anchoring of higher dimensional realms in our physical here. Our jobs, relationships, income, security, safety, purposes…. all get completely reworked in order to align with our CHOSEN SOUL EXPERIENCE HERE. The EMBODIMENT process is a whole body/whole mind/whole everything REALity process that is continually increasing vibrationally in strength, power and duration. This is an evolution of our whole existence here…. from amnesiac human to fully conscious Galactic Souls in a continually upgrading, re-calibrating, re-coding, re-everything physical form here. Let the BS go, observe your own human’ness, figure out where you are still holding out/holding back, come together and honor your own physical embodiment process above all. |
I speak of being in-service a lot, because our whole existence will be intentional in-service once we exit the matrix of “service to self”. Yet this is a process too. We have to honor and love ourselves fully, what we need to activate/integrate and as humans, we have to learn to maneuver multiple dimensions simultaneously, MASTERING each one of them. This is the challenging part, for our human isn’t going to like it or understand it at all. It’s meant to push our limits, for those are all human creation and held inside the body…. and becoming “without limits” means that we don’t believe the limits anymore. Yet, every moment will be challenging your little human to transcend all of those believed limits and moving beyond them in every capacity. You will come to understand when to push through (as your higher self) and when to stop, let it all go and just BE, sleep to integrate, honor you. The human aspect doesn’t like any part of this process, for the whole thing is about dissolving all of that separation and those mentalities fully and functioning as your highest aspect you… ALL OF THE TIME. We understand the purpose of discomfort and we step into this every time. We recognize the illusion of fear as a cellular held program and we bring it up and out of the body intentionally so that the whole reality that would have been created from fear/doubt/judgment can dissolve too and so a whole new timeline/reality can materialize instead…. How you work will change too. Your mind won’t work like it did before. It’s not supposed to. You’ll have to learn the “new ways” of doing this too. Your relationships, how you support yourself… all of this will transition into NEW WAYS too. Communication as your pure self is necessary to connect with others who function from this space too. Total responsibility and accountability, for there is no “escaping” energetically/vibrationally anymore. Cause and effect… what you transmit out is what you experience when that vibration arrives. It’s up to you to transmit AS LOVE, as a PURE DIVINE BEING OF LIGHT and let the drama/chaos/distractions go… focus your energy on what is important to you, apply yourself and ALL OF THE MASTERY TOOLS available and come together like never before. These are vibrational realities of UNITY …. no more unconsciousness is tolerated by those who are fully conscious. We will open the portal/doorway/gateway (as Gatekeepers we can do this easily), yet you will not find us getting caught up in anything of the old anymore. We nip it in the bud, we go/move on, because it does not serve a purpose for any of us to play in unconscious realities anymore. Those reverberate back faster & stronger INSTANTLY now. |
For those who hold the capABILITY (yes one of our many abilities here), we intentionally collapse all timelines that are not built on the infrastructures of GALACTIC NEW EARTH ENERGIES of deep purity, love, respect, unity, consideration, contribution, joy, harmony, peace and all things highest consciousness now. WE are here to accomplish what has never been accomplished before. We have instructions and duties and missions and purposes to fulfill/complete FOR US ALL. Technically, those realities have already occurred. We have access to the hows and why’s and it’s up to each one of us to bring those higher timelines into physical form here now. I hope to send out emails more often with helpful tidbits for everyone, to assist where each is for their own journey here. I’ve pulled way back and am LIGHT’ening my own schedule too, so that I can regroup and accomplish in many ways and with all of those who have stepped up/forth to be a part of our magnificent new too! I’ve put all new coaching clients requests on a waiting list and will send out replies/announcements when these are available again. I’ve minimized personal sessions, added some courses for those ready to UNDERSTAND the SIMPLICITY of our new existence and gain the tools to apply for easier maneuvering too. We have much awesomeness to announce as it all unfolds to be an actual physical reality (human plays in promises and expectations, yet actions and energy are what speak to us). There is a part of this process that each has to WANT TO UNDERSTAND…. this activates a whole new phase of moving into “absorbing” the information, seeking it (even obsession which is important when our soul has awakened inside of our bodies). Once we have read enough, watched the videos and “learned” enough, it’s time to APPLY IT ALL to how we live …. IN EVERY MOMENT… As humans, we become continual students, because everything teaches us/shows us/brings us new awareness. Only when our heart/mind close do we stop learning/listening/caring and this action alone triggers a whole different set of parallels to play out for us. Stay tuned via my website, the newsletters or on Facebook where I will often post things not posted anywhere else. I’ve stopped posting on FB first, because when my work schedule goes into “intense mode”, everything else has to be let go and I have to focus all of my own energy to get through it all and honor me/my processes and Gatekeeper duties too. |
I’ll resume posting where appropriate as it’s just one way that I offer/provide support for those who utilize this and contribute to holding our Crystalline Gridwork in place. We have a NEW Moon coming, which takes us deeper into our CORE existence, assisted by super mega high solar activity that continually increases substantially daily now. As always, expect the unexpected, call forth the magic and amazing realities that just wait for you to arrive in the vibration where they already are. Here, we LOVE surprises and we hold the highest realities in place from inside so that they can materialize all around us …. in absolutely the most exquisite ways. You have to expect it to be looking for it…. Open up and always be ready! ♥ We’ve got all kinds of amazingness coming. Stay TUNED. Literally!For those who hold the capABILITY (yes one of our many abilities here), we intentionally collapse all timelines that are not built on the infrastructures of GALACTIC NEW EARTH ENERGIES of deep purity, love, respect, unity, consideration, contribution, joy, harmony, peace and all things highest consciousness now. WE are here to accomplish what has never been accomplished before. We have instructions and duties and missions and purposes to fulfill/complete FOR US ALL. Technically, those realities have already occurred. We have access to the hows and why’s and it’s up to each one of us to bring those higher timelines into physical form here now. I hope to send out emails more often with helpful tidbits for everyone, to assist where each is for their own journey here. I’ve pulled way back and am LIGHT’ening my own schedule too, so that I can regroup and accomplish in many ways and with all of those who have stepped up/forth to be a part of our magnificent new too! I’ve put all new coaching clients requests on a waiting list and will send out replies/announcements when these are available again. I’ve minimized personal sessions, added some courses for those ready to UNDERSTAND the SIMPLICITY of our new existence and gain the tools to apply for easier maneuvering too. We have much awesomeness to announce as it all unfolds to be an actual physical reality (human plays in promises and expectations, yet actions and energy are what speak to us). There is a part of this process that each has to WANT TO UNDERSTAND…. this activates a whole new phase of moving into “absorbing” the information, seeking it (even obsession which is important when our soul has awakened inside of our bodies). Once we have read enough, watched the videos and “learned” enough, it’s time to APPLY IT ALL to how we live …. IN EVERY MOMENT… As humans, we become continual students, because everything teaches us/shows us/brings us new awareness. Only when our heart/mind close do we stop learning/listening/caring and this action alone triggers a whole different set of parallels to play out for us. Stay tuned via my website, the newsletters or on Facebook where I will often post things not posted anywhere else. I’ve stopped posting on FB first, because when my work schedule goes into “intense mode”, everything else has to be let go and I have to focus all of my own energy to get through it all and honor me/my processes and Gatekeeper duties too. I’ll resume posting where appropriate as it’s just one way that I offer/provide support for those who utilize this and contribute to holding our Crystalline Gridwork in place. ♦ We have a NEW Moon coming, which takes us deeper into our CORE existence, assisted by super mega high solar activity that continually increases substantially daily now. As always, expect the unexpected, call forth the magic and amazing realities that just wait for you to arrive in the vibration where they already are. Here, we LOVE surprises and we hold the highest realities in place from inside so that they can materialize all around us …. in absolutely the most exquisite ways. You have to expect it to be looking for it…. Open up and always be ready! ♥ We’ve got all kinds of amazingness coming. Stay TUNED. Literally! |
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