The Telosians: Our Mission is to Support You

The Telosians: Our Mission is to Support You

Channel: Marie Jose Andichou | Source

We greet you dear children of Earth. We are happy to meet you again. Every meeting is a joy for us but we wish that it is the same for you. We are in connection, in communication, very often, to give you messages but also to help you, comfort you, support you in these disturbed moments of your current earthly life.

We like to talk to you through our channel, this is important for you and for us. If we talk to you like this it is to confirm to you that we are very attentive to your way of living earthly life, to your way of living your happy and less happy feelings. We are very present near you because, yes, we are very close to you, much more than you can think.

Our mission is to support you to help you grow in the understanding of True Life, to make you understand who you really are. We come back to this subject very often because knowing yourself is the most important thing in your life. It is what allows you to live a peaceful, serene and happy life.

Of course, knowing yourself is not always easy given what is happening around you, in your society. Getting to know yourself is not easy because everything is done and put in place by certain humans imbued with the desire for power, in order to distance you from understanding True Life. True Life includes not only the one you live on planet Earth but also and above all the very important and unbreakable link that connects you to the Divine, the Divine that is your True Life.

We have said it and repeated it many times, you are Divine beings, Divine Sparks filled with the Love and Light of the Supreme Father. You cannot doubt it when you see how much, when you are attentive to this, you are protected, supported, helped in your life. Sometimes you doubt the help that the Divine Spark that you are can bring you in order to live better in this earthly life but, nevertheless, it is.

For this it is important to be very attentive, attentive, to what happens in your life each day, to all the small events that mark your life. Have confidence in your Higher Consciousness which is your Major Divine Spark and illuminates your incarnate part with Its Love and Its Light. Have confidence in yourself, in your life, in the events that happen in your life and rejoice in getting closer to the New Earth that we also speak to you about very often.

Despite the delicate events that may be happening in your countries, be confident in your feelings of peace and serenity when you connect with your inner Divine Being. Your soul is here to grow in Pure Light and Pure Love and guides you happily on this path. Listen to it, listen to the feelings it gives you by guiding you in the most beautiful way possible on the path of the Supreme Father.

We are talking to you about all this because it will be more and more necessary for you to meet your inner Being in order to find Peace and Serenity in every moment. We are here, close to you, to guide you on this path; listen to the feelings that we are sending to you to help you, support you and guide you towards the best path in your life. Our work of Love towards earthly humans will continue for a long time… a long time so that you can succeed in uniting in Peace and Joy with the Earth, your nourishing mother. Thank her for everything she offers you, for her beauty, for the shelters she offers you as well as the food she makes available to you every day.

You will say: “Yes, we have food offered with Love by the Earth but some countries and continents are in poverty. So the Earth feeds humans unequally?”

We will tell you this: The Earth has the capacity to feed all humans differently depending on where they live. But do not doubt that if there are humans who are in total lack of food it is due to those who manipulate you in order to have power over you. The Earth in her great Love and generosity can offer much more than what you can see and receive. But you are also asked to have respect for her, not to mistreat her and to thank her.

Dear children of the Earth, we are many around you, we love you.