HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGEby Marlene Swetlishoff ~ February 21-28, 2016 Note from Colleen: The first paragraph describes me perfectly. I was with a group of people yesterday and all agreed they were experiencing this ascension symptom BIG TIME! All we can do is "ride the wave". |
Beloved Ones, As the energies intensify even more than before, it is difficult to stay focused on any one thing for any length of time. One’s mind jumps from one thought to another without any logical conclusion. It is a case of having entered into unknown territory where everything is possible, and there are no handholds or footholds to grab onto. It is therefore important to be aware that you do not have to do anything or accomplish anything in particular during these moments; all you must do is ride the wave as it comes and experience it - nothing else is required. When you can, send blessing thoughts to everyone and everything around you including your common home, the Earth, and have faith that you will all make it through. Did you know that you are made of wondrous stuff - that you come from the stars and from many different planets? We are sure that you do, yet you do not yet fully believe that it is YOU! There is a barrier that must be overcome and it is contained within you. Do not look to other planets or off planet beings to save you, when you do so you give away your own power to create and transform your world. What you are being asked to do is unify all aspects of self, the Light being and the shadow self, the happy and the sad, the courageous and the fearful, the gullible and the wise, to embrace and unify all the seemingly endless polarities in self. As you are doing this, it is best to simplify all areas of your life so that it can help eliminate unreasonable expectations within yourself and instead give focus where it is expedient and necessary. You are all much too hard on yourselves as you seek to master everything at once! |
Many of you are now experiencing non-stop downloads and this puts you in the position of going where no man or woman has gone before, into totally new territory that can affect your sensitivity to the energies that swirl around, also non-stop. Daily cleansing is absolutely necessary, especially of your chakra system - and do begin with your Earth Star chakra that is about a foot below your feet, each of your seven chakras and include the upper five etheric chakras as well as your foot chakras. Many times, it is these that need cleansing and purifying, in order to keep all the meridians in your etheric field operating at the highest frequency. At least once a week, do the Total Energy Clearing exercise as this will assist you immensely. As your human operating system adjusts to the new level of frequency there is a feeling of intensity within as the new aspects of self begin to interface with your system. You will experience greater levels of creative ideas and expressions which begin to manifest outwardly into the world around you in ways that amaze and inspire you with their beauty and profoundness. You are realizing that it is you alone who is in control of the situations that confront you by what it is that you empower by your focus on them. You become a part of the cosmic dance of life and expression and this empowers you to continue along this spiritual pathway which ultimately leads to mastery of life in the physical plane of existence and beyond. |
As you come into the rhythm of creation you realize that everything is perfect and this becomes your internal song of ever renewing manifestation of all that is right and good in your world. “Everything is perfect and always has been” can be the song that you sing to yourself. In this way, you draw to you all that you need and are ready to have. As you achieve inner harmony, it opens you to understanding the greater whole of existence and what it means to interact with all of life in every moment. With this experience, come healing and an expanded sense of love and the freedom to manifest on a higher level of being which opens many new doors of opportunity for you. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message. Thank you and many blessings! Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. |
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