Mother Mary: Your True Nature Never Changes

Mother Mary: Your True Nature Never Changes

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Dear child, do you know that I am always here, and all you need to do is turn your eyes towards me? I know that many of you go through hard times, and many others do not even know of our existence. Yet, you who are reading this message do so to open your heart and receive my blessings.

You are here for a purpose, though your mind brings confusion and fear, and the light does not shine brightly through all the veils of illusion. But there are solutions, there always are.

Spend time in silence—meditate and be quiet. Observe, because when you are still, you allow space for healing to take place.

Be as you are—and know that whatever the mind says, you are not the mind, but beyond mind and matter.

Enter a space where you are the witness of all mind stories—realize that you create through your beliefs and select only those beliefs that serve your existence and highest purpose.

Do not be afraid; your true nature never changes. Be still, and dive into it. I am just here with you to help you see your wounds as they are and to give you the courage to accept what you feel as you feel it.

Do you know that nothing ever truly affects your real self? It is all a game of shadows and lights that can be played with awareness, but why play it if you lose yourself in the darkness?

It is all a dream, and when you do not interact with its elements, the dream is over. This is when you realize that you are spacious. That there is no “you” in a reality, but that you are the reality, you are all that is. This is when you realize that it has never been otherwise—it has all been a dream of the mind.

I love you, and I will never leave you—until all of you remember.

One on one sessions

May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"Do you know that nothing truly affects your real self? Itis is all α game of shadows and lights that can be played with awareness, but why play itif you lose yourself in the darkness? It Itis is all α dream, and when you do not interact with its elements, the dream is over. This is when you realize that you are spacious.' Mother Mary ፣ዳ፡'