The System is Dying: Step Out All You Lightwarriors!Source: By Open ~~ Contributing Writer for Wake Up World NOTE: Written a while ago but still relevant |
These are exhilarating times to be alive! The controlling system that has limited humanity for so long is beginning to die. The signs are all around, while the powers-that-be struggle to cobble it all together. We need to now begin to shed the skin of the old reality in order to emerge fully into the New Paradigm. But this is not about fighting the old. There’s no need. We simply have to live the New Paradigm here and now, develop new ways of living and being, then the old system will simply crumble away. What practical steps can people take to accelerate the shift? The tide is turningEven the most hardened New Paradigm skeptic can surely see the old capitalistic system is ready to capitulate. It is fatally |
But surely, as you peel back the veils from your awakening eyes, you can see the system bursting at the seams all around you? It has a while yet to go. The powers-that-be will keep sticking fingers and thumbs in the Two ways in which this can now go… Basically, as I see it, the situation moving forwards can go one of two ways… Either (1) enough people venture inwards now, process their karma and become as one again with the higher vibrations of our planetary system, in which case, the transition will be a relatively smooth one; or (2) if too many resist the consciousness shift, it will create growing tension, with a much more chaotic and turbulent transition. What will it be? The smooth or more turbulent option? That all depends on us. Whether knowingly or not, whether generally seen or not, evolving people hold the key. As your consciousness expands, so you influence the mainstream, through the field. Others may not even understand why they begin to feel what they feel, where did it come from? They simply feel veils falling away and begin looking at life differently. It’ll be a while before they have the answers, but the questions begin flooding in – questioning the old way of living and doing things, just as in Greece right now. |
A system within a systemThe system is on the ropes. But there’s no need for any kind of knock out punch. That would be to waste energy – it will fall over all by itself. What’s needed, is more of what’s going on behind the scenes anyway – ordinary people everywhere to begin living and acting differently – to be the change. We have the classic example of Iceland to consider: they were ejected from the international monetary system during the last credit crunch in 2008. But instead of rolling over and taking the exorbitant IMF loans to rebuild, they kicked them out And in Greece right now, beyond the headline news of rioting in Athens, a quiet revolution is happening in the “You only find this new economy if you look hard for it. In Greece, when a grassroots NGO mapped the country’s food co-ops, alternative producers, parallel currencies and local exchange systems they found more than 70 substantive projects and hundreds of smaller initiatives ranging from squats to carpools to free kindergartens. To mainstream
Let’s remind ourselves, it’s crucial that we take this smoother option of a more gentle transition, so the world doesn’t literally tear itself apart, due to the increasing resistant tension. It requires It has to begin with a shift in your own consciousness – that’s the only way true and lasting outer change can ever happen. So that’s number one on the list. for here
Let’s remind ourselves, it’s crucial that we take this smoother option of a more gentle transition, so the world doesn’t literally tear itself apart, due to the increasing resistant tension. It requires It has to begin with a shift in your own consciousness – that’s the only way true and lasting outer change can ever happen. So that’s number one on the list. With that in mind, here are 9 practical steps you can take. Steps that will make a real difference, and do so right now… 9 practical steps to assist in the global Shift of consciousness1. Turn up the volume on your soul: Perhaps the most important first step you can take to be a part of that new 2. Learn to follow your soul in day-to-day life: Each of our souls is connected to a higher co-creative flow of energy – of consciousness. It is an internal guidance mechanism which is leading to the higher evolved plane of consciousness – what we at Openhand believe to be humanity’s immediate destiny (at least those who choose it). This benevolent guidance is always present, through ALL events and circumstances. The key is to know how it works and how it is guiding you in every moment. There are various new and ancient processes for following the soul’s quiet voice within. Here at 3. A route map through life’s twists and turns: Once you’ve tuned into your soul and begun to 4. Raise your vibration: Walking the Path will naturally lead to an exploration of how to ‘raise your vibration’. Essentially, as you purify internally, there is less dense energy within your lower bodily vehicles to keep dragging you back into the darkness. The energy acts like ballast and by processing it out, you can attain the lighter vibrations of greater interconnectivity – you sense and experience being much more a part of the universal flow which feels increasingly harmonious inside. In order to do this, you need to take a close look at how you live your life to see how your vibration is being lowered. It is frequently in the food that we eat, the ‘electrosmog’ in our houses and subconscious 5. Become more at-one with Mother Earth: Humanity has ridden 6. Become more resourceful and self-sustaining: Money makes the matrix go around! And essentially money has been created by the generation of debt, which has been propagated by the 7. Consume consciously: The system gains its power by how people acquiesce to it, principally in how we spend money. In continually buying from the big corporations, we line their pockets that they may continue to plunder the earth’s resources, gaining profit and control at our expense. It’s also deeply destructive to the environment. Yet in percentage terms, many of those corporations function with relatively low profits. If just a reasonable percentage of awakening people consumed as consciously as possible, mostly avoiding the unethical companies, then these companies would eventually wither and die. If we spent our money instead with smaller, more ethical companies, we’d start to build a new, conscious system in the midst of the old. 8. Developing conscious community: One way to accelerate the shift to a new conscious economy, is to gather together with kindred spirits – the emergence of ‘micro-communities’ is a strongly growing trend. Small groups of people are drawing together to share resources and services. They’re reintroducing bartering as a method of trade; “time banks” which credit for services offered, that can then be traded against other products and services; and even in some cases, creating entirely local currencies. Such communities are preparing now for the projected break down of our 9. Become a positive force for change: To us at Openhand, the true purpose of life itself is to fully unleash and express the soul; this is your unique expression of the One. When we do this, not only do our own lives become fulfilled, we begin to inspire and uplift others too.What is it that really fires your passion? What gives you true meaning in life? A Conscious Accelerator of ChangeIt is clearly obvious that the old system is dying. So why continue to place your trust and loyalty in it? Yes, it still owns most of the resources, and so we may have to work in it and trade with it a while longer. But to build your future hopes and expectations upon it is fruitless. I put it to you that the only viable way What’s more, as you tune into and follow your soul, it will guide you on a life’s journey through the collapsing old wold mechanisms to a future that is truly sustaining and light filled. But you have to chose That’s what the 5GATEWAYS from my heart to yours