Saint Germain: Continue to Move Forward

Saint Germain: Continue to Move Forward

Channel: James McConnell | Source

I am Saint Germain and I come to be with you at this time. These continuing changing moments and I speak now of moments, not times, but moments, not hours, not days, not months, not weeks, not years. But moments, moment to moment, that is the way you need to continue to find your life moving ahead. Moment to moment. Forget about the past. Forgive all that has harmed you in the past. Let that all go. There is no reason whatsoever to hold on to any old memories, any old patterns that no longer have any use for you in your new higher vibrational frequency bodies. That is the way you need to look at yourself moving forward as high vibrational frequency bodies. All of your bodies, all coming together as one in a higher vibrational frequency. Having left the old programming behind, the old past memories that hold that programming to you. Know that you are being reprogrammed by your higher God self that is connecting more and more to you every, every moment moving forward. Your higher God self is right there with you as well as the guides that are here to assist you. Know that it is all a process of coming to a balance, a balance throughout your body.

And it is all about freedom moving forward. Freedom for you to decide to make your own decisions about how you will live your life, how you will follow the path of your life. Where no one can influence you beyond what you want to be influenced. Know that. If ever a situation comes up in the times ahead where you are asked
to comply with something that you do not agree with, that it does not resonate within you, say, no, I shall not comply. Say that within yourself. Believe that within yourself. Feel the power within yourself. You all have that power, that power to move along forward again, moment to moment into the future, the future of your own making, the future of your own.

You are the power. You are the creation. Know that. No one can influence you unless you allow them to do so. So all of the old programming that brings up various triggers of emotion within you, let that go. Do not hold on to that programming. Do not let that programming trigger you any longer because there are parts of you beyond the higher God self that will attempt to do so, will attempt to trigger those emotions. But know that when this happens, it is simply a release process, a release process that is moving beyond the old temptations, beyond the old programming. Move forward every moment again moment to moment. Keep that in your mind at all times.

You are now living moment to moment and letting go of the past, letting go of the old stories. Do not tell the old stories any longer for they no longer hold sway over you, if you do not let them do so, become who you are meant to be, the messenger you are meant to be, the way-shower that you are all meant to be. That’s what you came here for. Keep your eyes on the prize, the prize of ascension, the prize of individual ascension and the collective ascension of all of mankind that can move beyond the old programming, the old third dimensional illusion and into the higher vibrational frequencies of it. Higher fourth and fifth dimension and even beyond that, you are at a crossroads, each and every one of you a crossroads where you find yourself still teetering on the edge, teetering on the edge, moving back and forth through and over the proverbial fence, if you will, do not be on the fence any longer.

Be over the fence and into the vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions, more and more. It is up to you, each and every one of you to be who you came here to be, to be again, that messenger or the wayshowers. And you came here to be, to show the way first to yourself and through yourself and then to others that are prepared to find their way, to find their path as well.

I am Saint Germain and I leave you now with peace and love and oneness. And again, move forward. Every moment, move forward. Do not let yourself fall backward.