You have learned the language of light and you are translating the Mother’s love into everything you do. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings my dear hearts! I am Mother Theresa and I come today to talk to you about gentleness and the need for love of self.
You are doing a stalwart job, you have surpassed every milestone that you have placed in your divine and working plan without stopping to give your dear selves some sorely needed rest and unconditional love.
The paths and journeys that you have decided to undertake at this time are not easy my dearest brothers and sisters. I know how hard it is to be on Earth but not of the Earth, for as you know I have lived for a while and left this beautiful blue planet only a few years back, which only seems like yesterday, doesn’t it?
And most of you have taken on yourselves so much more to accomplish than I took upon myself. My path was not easy but it was straightforward and less convoluted then the one you have chosen. You have taken under your care family and soul friends, while also taking millions under your care and tutelage, and at the same time working undercover.
And what do I mean by this dear ones? What I am trying to say to thee is that you have taken the role of an ordinary person living in your communities without accolades. You are indeed citizens of the world rooted in more than one continent, fully engaged in raising families, working and paying bills, and at the same time cleaning and providing in visible and in unseen ways, in under-served areas, or areas battered and destroyed by the weather or consumed by the ongoing wars.
You are infiltrating the entire human collective, and while you are living your lives and doing your daily doings you spread love and hope, you bring healing to many out there. You have learned the language of light and you are translating the Mother’s love into everything you do, so anyone who interacts with you gets an enormous charge from it and is uplifted.
Dearest and sweet angels of love, you have chosen the most humble approach to this lifetime, for regardless of what kind of work you do, you bring light and hope with your brilliant presence and example. And yet you have said you don’t even want to know and see the effect and the wonderful consequences of your light work, you do not want to be acknowledged or recognized while in this lifetime.
There is much to be done and many to be assisted still, and you already know how your egos can distract you from your mission. You have learned to tame your egos and keep your eyes on God and on His light. You are clearing all of your core issues, but this time you have designed your divine plan to do it in such way that you set yourselves free, and at the same time millions are feeling and benefiting from your brilliantly designed disentanglement endeavor.
Each and every one of you have taken on this lifetime in order to heal some painful parts of the illnesses and the sufferings of humanity.
Many have been chosen to come and work on the Mother’s Dream and many of those beautiful souls have forgotten about their mission or have fallen prey to their fears and shadows. Therefore they have perished in the chaos and decided to go back home and to reconsider their next offerings.
But you are here standing tall and continuing on your journey more determinedly than ever. And by deciding to partake in this extremely intense labor of releasing and neutralizing your core issues, you are doing an extraordinary heavy lifting job by removing the many illusions and false grids covering and enmeshing the entire world.
I am here to make sure that you do not underestimate your contribution and yes, the sacrifices that you have made in order to bring in a lighter and more loving world, and in such a humble way.
You are beautiful, perfect, and pure beings of light in every single way, yes, all of you without any exception. Be gentle and loving to your tender selves. Rest and replenish often to maintain your strength, for your presence is essential and sorely needed to hold the light steady for so many.
Allow me to fill you with my love and remind you of your purity that cannot ever be tainted or lost! Allow me to hold and kiss your hand, you the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong. I bow to you all! I thank you for your fortitude and stalwart work.
By Permission.
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