Archangel Michael: The Time has Arrived
Channel: Chellea Wilder | Source
Blessings Beloved Ones,
It is wonderful to connect with you in these very intense times.
I spoke to you in our last message about stepping into a Galactic Society and what that actually means for each of you on an individual and collective level. This concept of a Galactic Society is a profound shift in your understanding of your place within the cosmos.
While you are in the midst of this external change, it is imperative that you also acknowledge the inner Transformation that is simultaneously taking place within you.
As this tidal wave of disclosure and information engulfs your outer reality, it is crucial to recognize that your inner cleansing is also unfolding. This inner work involves releasing the lower vibrational thought patterns and actions that have, until now, defined your way of being. It is a process of letting go of old beliefs and habits that no longer serve your highest purpose, allowing space for new, elevated frequencies to enter your life.
While you each are aware of your own ascension process, it is also good to understand that the Earth’s ascension is now well underway, as she is beginning to take control of her own celestial body, moving towards the higher 4th dimensional state of vibration. This process is not just about the Earth herself. It encompasses the intricate web of life that exists upon and under her surface.
Everything is moving towards a more positive alignment within your outer reality, even though it may appear chaotic. This perceived chaos is, in fact, a necessary part of the transformation. The dismantling of the old structures of the matrix–those outdated systems of control and limitation–is essential for this cleansing to occur. It is making way for the new to come forth, allowing for the emergence of a reality that is more aligned with love, compassion, and unity.
For many years now, Those of the Light have been speaking of and channeling these times you are now in. The Time has arrived for this transformation.
Humanity is on the brink of a significant shift, moving toward a more holistic and natural way of being. This transition is accompanied by major advancements in your technology, which are increasingly being developed with a focus on sustainability and harmony with the Earth.
As you align with the higher frequencies of love and light, you will find that your technological advancements can also support your spiritual growth and enhance your connection to one another and to the Earth.
This is a time of great opportunity, where you can harness your human collective creativity and innovation to build a future that honors all life.
Embrace this journey of transformation, for it is through this process that you will collectively step into your roles within the Galactic Society, awakening to your interconnectedness with all beings across the vast multi-verse of God’s infinite Creation.
Always remember that each moment is an opportunity for transformation, leading you toward alignment with the Oneness of God.
I Love you, and I am Always with you.
I Am Archangel Michael.