Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, January 5, 2019

A message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner January 5, 2019
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council serving full-time through the Ascension Process.
From our perspective the Ascension Process is proceeding rapidly and effectively on the earth. The energies are perfect to set the stage for the new. The energies of this new year 2019 are clear and clean. They reflect the illuminated cleansing that occurred in 2018. These energies released expressions of darkness that had to be cleared. The horrific situations were beyond the understanding of those with heart and soul. There will be long-term ramifications of those events. Those involved affected everyone, helped people open their hearts, and helped people to see how important it is to help each other and to come together in oneness.
What happens to one affects everyone. Many sacrificed their lives, their livelihood, their homes, family, pets and their well-being. Needless to say, many lessons were learned and are still being learned through these heart wrenching events. The planet is in a state of flux. It is important not to take things for granted and to be aware. Being grateful that all needs are being met is integral to living daily on the earth right now.
In this new year there will be more shocking news, earth shattering events, major political upheaval and heart awakening. Humanity will begin to learn more of the truth about how they have been living, and the truth behind the scenes. It will be given in doses so that it can be processed at a rate that will not overwhelm the masses. This is part of enlightenment so that humanity can be freed.
Much is going on behind the scenes that cannot be revealed this time. The earth Council, the Light Alliance, the Angelics and Masters, are all working together to assist in aligning the energies that are not for the highest good of humanity. We are looking out for all of you. Clearances will be given at the appropriate time for information and action. Those who are part of the Galactic’s will become further involved with their missions. They will be coming together as teams for divine assignment. There is a lot of work to be done. Re-settlements will also need to take place so flexibility could be important.
We want to remind you to take excellent care of your selves and each other. It will all be worth it because the shift is nearly here. If you feel you need extra assistance please call upon us. We hear you, know you, and are with you.
I am Mira sending you love from the earth Council, the Pleiades, and the forces of light.