The Arcturians ~ Timeline BridgeSource: Méline Portia Lafont ~ June 14, 2018 First a personal message from Méline |
Before sharing this intel, I want to explain what is going on and how I obtained this information. It is crystal clear that something has occurred last night (European Time). My heart suddenly shifted its frequency and was held into a cocoon – this was how it felt. Leeway was granted so that High intelligence and Light frequencies could enter and be passed on. The heart is brought into I went to sleep early experiencing headaches, going into a deep sleep and waking up differently. No appetite, feeling tired, experiencing nausea but full of inspiration and energy. I noticed something was different, something had changed. I became aware of this and now it has shifted over to an irrefutable knowing. My heart is more at The Arcturians came through to inform me, but in order to receive the Doing so, I saw myself traveling through a wormhole, which warped me into a Universe. Here I was shown my heart which had now 6 streams of Light energy coming together as to where it |
The word “timeline bridge” was the only word that was given when suddenly a surge went through my heart, my third eye started to experience a high pressure and pulsating vibration. I saw the particles of the Universe along with a huge white Dome. I see us in a stream of accelerated speed. But we do not notice this, we do not feel it as it appears to be the same pace as before. YET we are on an accelerated speed and our bodies DO notice and know this. It is not in our awareness at this point but our bodies will show us this to be the case more and more as time passes by. What happened next was a shock that went through the left side of my body. It was pulled down and then up while my right side did not move. Alignment... Then a huge field of white and Seafoam green light entered my body and I was receiving the Light codes. What followed next was the intel which I share below. My heart feels different, I feel different in a positive way. I would Love to hear your experiences. Much love |
Timeline Bridge |
On June 14th a Timeline shift has occurred. It was a shift in time, a change of momentum during the bridging of the Solstice. Energies are building up and as these come into an acceleration, a shift point breaks through as to where a bridging momentum suddenly shifts into Higher You are as of now traveling into a High speed of Light which is propelling you further into the God consciousness of ALL and ONE. What does this mean? It means that collectively you all have reached a level of integration that is called the Superhuman consciousness. As of now, you are receiving the God/Source codes of Light which initiate and activate your You have collectively reached a state of consciousness that is ready to rebuild your cellular system into You are as of now Multidimensional Beings birthed onto this Earth. You always have been Multidimensional but NOW, through this timeline shift, a portal was opened to activate the Superhuman consciousness onto the plane which lies in your physicality reality. Things will turn out to be more present in the physical, starting from now on, as this is the plane and the reality that was consciously opened collectively. The The heart has started to unlock the multidimensional aspects of your being, as you will probably already sense that you have become more Multidimensional over the last 4 years of your time in physical body. This is indeed so in the heart/your Being. What has added is that the heart unlocking this When going into your meditations, you will notice that your heart stream has changed. More colors are added and flowing through your already colorful ‘De-Light’. A different heart stream has been initiated and is being birthed into physicality. From now on you will receive more Inter Galactic and Stellar influences as Light codes from us and from other Stellar Brothers and Sisters. |
You have now entered the Stellar consciousness, collectively on a Higher level. It now takes for all of you to start embodying this energy field into your systems, into your cellular representation The more you ground and embody this energy field – which flows through your heart stream and as your renewed heart stream – the more the collective will be infused with this all simultaneously. What are the physical signals and symptoms? Some experience insomnia during this passage – others are sleeping double of their usual time. This depends on how easy you can cope with this energy field upgrade. The heart has a different tone and level of beating, piercing tones and high pitch tones in the ears. A body change sensation: your cells are being upgraded. High and strong third eye pulsation. The inner Crystals are activating, bringing you Higher awareness. This means that you will notice you are more sensitive, you can see the veils lifting up and all is more detailed. You will feel new information and Light codes entering your awareness, even Nausea is a deliverance of Higher frequencies replacing the old lower frequencies. Release and drink plenty of water to facilitate “the change of the guards”. (old being replaced by new) You will now have to remain silent, in retreat and connected to your SELF to facilitate and bring in as much Light codes as possible as you are being informed continuously and bombarded with our Stellar Light codes and Being. We shall speak more of this later. Namaste For more from Méline ~ Click Here |
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