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Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora I am Lady Nada, I embrace you from my heart. I wanted as always to tell you about the planetary energetic part that is becoming more intense, stronger. You will be able to feel in your bodies all the energy that is entering the planet very intensely, high values in the planetary Schumann frequency. High values of cosmic radiation. Everything is coming together, my beloveds.

March is going to be a very busy month energetically. The alignment swallowed a very significant, very important energetic burst. An alignment that has stirred and penetrated every cell, has stirred and penetrated all bodies cleansing them, healing them, raising the frequency, raising the vibration.

The energy impact is strong for Mother Earth as well. This situation has also caused seismic movements throughout the planet, apart from all the manifestations at the level of the elements throughout the planet, which is still unstable. Extreme situations of rain, wind and fire. The Sun continues in its plasma activity, a lot of solar activity.

The inner Sun of the City of Agartha is emitting a lot of energy towards the surface, all this energy is causing parts of the planet to be separating and seeing on earth all the layers working in the definitive planetary reconfiguration.

Many souls have departed, been lifted. Many bodies according to the authorities of the plan do not get them, they have been taken, rescued. We are aware of all the children of light, of all the extreme situations in each place. As you all know, the influence we have of the planet Hercobolus on the Solar System.

The planetary situation is strong, they can feel devastated, tired, with pain all over the body, in the joints. Confusion at the mental level, momentary dis from reality, discomfort, headaches, dizziness, palpitations. There are many, because all the energy is working and working in all bodies and on the planet.

I tell everyone, always be prepared, stay prepared. Feel the energy and use it in your healing, in your activation, but first of all I tell you, get ready, heal completely, release it memories. Release, release that useless burden that you carry in your DNA, release all the useless information.

Go with Mahindra to be fully healed on the Emerald Ship. Once they heal, all the energy acts more intensely in the bodies. Heal, heal, heal beloved, the energy is very strong, the whole solar system is feeling it and living it.

This process advances and advances by leaps and bounds, we are walking at the speed of light for this planetary closure and the speed I mean in an imaginative way, because we are going at an intense speed on the way to the planetary closure.

As the Mother tells you, from one moment to another we will change reality, but let this reality take you prepared for a great spiritual breakthrough in your evolution. We give our all, we are all working to give assistance to humanity that needs it. We are giving you as your brothers, as your Guides all this service.

All the Commands, we are all working so that this planet advances, integrates into the worlds of light and this humanity progresses, changes.

To all beings of light incarnate I give you a great call. Be alert and prepared, because it will be required of you in a short term, so that your mission will accomplish the task you set before coming.

We love you, we bless you all children of Father Mother Adonai.

Stay safe, be prepared, stay alert.

I Am Lady Nada.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS -3/03/2025

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai