Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner | January 31, 2023
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner | January 31, 2023

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council January 31, 2023 through Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with reverence and all the love in my heart. I am here to encourage you, and the Earth Council is here to inspire you. We have the best team ever comprised in any ascension process on any planet.
This is because of you, ground crew. You are the best of the best. You are doing an excellent job! Things are starting to get a little jagged and rocky. We are all working overtime to maintain balance and harmony. We recommend you do the same. Keep yourselves in balance and harmony. Restrain from getting caught up in the frenzy of the masses who do not know what is going on. They are looking for love and relief wherever they can find it. Many are opening up and having awakenings. With their discordant behavior they are sometimes awakening to new truths. They are also exhausted from what it takes to maintain life on earth and survive. Many simply want to escape.
We want you to know that the Creator is in charge. This divine plan is bringing out new truths that the dark forces cannot stop. It is part of the great awakening and the homecoming back to Source. Pretty soon you will discover that your main stream news will not have the impact it has in the past because they have been dishonest. A large part of humanity no longer trust their governments, or the media. This is a positive step in the right direction.
We can share with you that you are a part of a brilliant masterful plan for the freedom of the Earth. It is like the ending to a movie that has unexpected events bringing humanity together. This is part of Ascension. It is the rising awareness of perfection, magic and miracles that come from the quantum energies of creation. This plan is toppling the dark ones by increasing their demise. There is simply no more room for them, and there never will be, back on this planet.
We ask you to please assist and help each other as necessary. You are no longer living in the wrong interpretation of the Darwin theory of survival of the fittest. The actual theory is about cooperation and helping each other, not just looking out for one’s self. We’ve already told you that those who are Service to Self will no longer be on the Earth.
You will begin to see more departures from the earth. This is important to remove the dark ones and also to honor peoples’ decisions that they have made with the Creator. We know that many of you have had losses of loved ones. Please be assured they are being given what they need on the other side. Some are truly angry their lives were shortened. They wanted to do other things and to experience more, but it was not their future. They’ve also been signposts to awaken others and many people are starting to realize this fact.
Please stand united ground crew. The best is yet to come!
I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council looking after you as always. I love you!