LORD SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA BUDDHA ~ The Great Awakening of Humanity Has Arrived
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I am Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and I wanted to bring you a short message this evening. I want to inform you that this planet has entered into a great inner awakening of the souls, of the beings. All the incoming energies, all the assistance that they have received in different forms and in different means, are helping this humanity, these Christian beings to awaken and become aware. Because the planet is moving very fast in its fifth dimension and it is necessary for this great awakening to occur.
We have all done and supported this great plan of Father Mother Adonai to help them, and this awakening is becoming evident. Many souls are understanding their true nature, their stellar origin, they are seeing the reality in which they have been kept slaves and captive for so long and this is, big points in our favor.
The process continues and the awakening continues rapidly. Those who have already woken up, accompany, guide those who are in the process. Assist them, it is always necessary for someone to guide you, to orient you, but the real Master is internally. We have to give a hand, that network of Crystical Consciousness must keep expanding, strengthening. Every being, every awakening soul ignites a node and expands the light and this helps the great process of ascension.
Every soul that is awakening, every soul that is awaking its consciousness is like a beacon that lights up this whole process, this whole network and helps the planet in its process of ascension. Every soul that awakens understands, is understanding that it plays a very important role within this whole process. That your awakening contributes to this process of ascension and contributes to it being managed, to continue managing the whole process of the New Earth 5D. to co-create united, because that great co-creating power is activated in everyone.
And the energies keep flowing, the portals keep sending torrents and torrents of energy to the awakening.
From the Temple of Enlightenment we radiate and radiate Crystic energy, golden energy to assist in this process to all those who are awakening. I tell you that all this awakening is individual, each at his pace, each at his own pace, that no one forces anyone, that is something internal that arises to each being and so as they are acquiring that certainty, that internal knowledge that will make them understand and understand the truth that this universe dwells in each of us, in their hearts and from there we connect the whole real world.
My beloved I tell you, everyone is going to prepare, lightening their bodies, detoxifying them, cleaning them. The energies are favorable, take advantage of all this flow, all this energy, all this push, all this help that all of us your guardians, your guides are giving you.
Everyone must from the inside seek to heal, release those memories, let go, let go of all the past, let go of everything that does not serve him, to reveal themselves and continue walking towards that tunnel of light that will lead him to a new more harmonious reality, of peace, harmony, love and prosperity.
The great awakening of humanity has come.
As a Grand Master said, even the stones will speak, referring to those hard hearts that are still so submerged and influenced by all these programming.
From the Temple of Enlightenment we send all our energy across the planet. Those who like to come and enter the temple, connect with Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and Temple Hierarchs, we are all there. Connect with the Flame of Enlightenment to internally flush that great truth, which are beings of light living an experience in human bodies and that the time has come to return, to return to our true reality.
I bid farewell, I am Gautama Buddha, I bless you all and here we are waiting for you at the Temple of Enlightenment on Lake Titicaca.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 31/10/2024