Adama of Telos: Which Earth?

Adama of Telos: Which Earth?

Channel: Jahn J Kassl | Source

Even if events happen very quickly, if up becomes down and down becomes up, it is your inner peace, your inner silence, your inner calm that matters now.

Because you know the world and people, you must now withdraw, hold back and take back! Because the coming discharges are happening so that humanity’s karma can be redeemed, and they are happening so that the individual human being can be freed from the burden of collective human karma.

What is now emerging can cloud your mind, stir your soul and shake your heart. We are in the phase of transition from the dark world to the light world and from a humanity marked by negativity to a humanity that approaches life creatively and peacefully. Everything is changing, everything is moving towards the light, everything is healing, becoming whole, becoming wonderfully sublime.

Unity brings victory!

So now it’s about recognizing God’s handholds, realizing that you are surrounded by God at every step, accompanied by God, and supported by God. Give your deep inner longing more space, give your need for harmony, love, and joy more importance, give yourself more attention, and give your fellow human beings more time.

The hermits among you may connect with the luminous human family in meditation; those who are in the prime of life may look out for like-minded people and connect with each other.

This power of humanity is needed now! The power of groups brings trouble to the rulers of the last days, the self-confident behavior of people creates reality and actuality.

The silent majority is needed just as much as the loud minority, however things turn out – it depends on each individual!

Beloved people,

The divine spark in you is now ignited and so you become visible to all people who have not yet released their inner light and made it shine. You go ahead, you lead the way, you are the bright light in this dark time for many people.

We from the realms of the Inner Earth love you for your courage, respect you for your perseverance and support you wherever we can.

The peoples of the Inner Earth know what is happening on the Upper Earth now and what is being decided in these days. Our full attention and presence is with you, nothing is left to chance, everything must be considered.

JJK: What will be decided in the next few days?

Man’s choice!

ADAMA OF TELOS: Man’s choice! It will be decided in these days which earth you have chosen. Your decision will be realized in these days. This creates the relevant perception: some see the light, others only perceive darkness everywhere.

In this way, two humankinds are created through perception. In this way, the ascent of man takes place in his own consciousness.

This is your journey, this is what it is about – having planted the seed within so that the seed can sprout outside NOW.

I am with you every day.