Ben Arion from the Ashtar Command Crew

Would you like to reduce stress, improve your concentration, boost your mood and lower your blood pressure all at the same time? 

What if it didn't cost you anything and you could just sit there while it was happening?
It sounds too good to be true, but the benefits of meditation are both effortless and endless. So why are you so reluctant to try it? With all of its mystery and protocol, meditation can seem intimidating, but it's actually very simple.
Meditation requires little more than your breath and a quiet moment. No funky, uncomfortable positions or weird chanting. A true meditation practice can be done anywhere, anytime and only needs your consciousness.
The point of meditation is to bring you into the present moment and quiet down the incessant chatter in your head. When you are consumed by thoughts, you get stuck in the past or the future, which is where your thoughts actually exist.
However, your life happens in the present moment, and if you are always thinking about the past or future, you're missing out on life itself. A meditation practice can help you get out of your thoughts and stay focused on what is happening NOW.
Here is a simple formula for a stress-free meditation practice. You don't need to know or do anything special or out of the ordinary. Just be willing to sit with yourself in a blissful peace and breathe. Seriously, that's it.
* Set up Your Space
Although you can meditate anywhere, it is usually easier to start practicing in a quiet, peaceful environment. Straighten up the room, tone down the lights and turn off all distractions. Let your family know that you are taking a few minutes of quiet time.
You will need a comfortable, yet upright chair. Set a timer so you will not be distracted by the clock. If sitting in complete silence is difficult for you, play some soft instrumental music. Lighting a candle or some incense is optional, but it can help set the mood.
* Settle Into Position
Sit down with your back straight and feet on the floor. Gently rest your hands, palms facing up, on your thighs. Tilt your chin slightly downward, and focus your gaze several inches ahead with eyes relaxed but slightly open.
Use a cushion on the chair or place a block under your feet to make yourself as comfortable as possible, while still sitting up straight. It is OK if you shift your position during the session, as it is not necessary to strain yourself, but try to remain still for as long as you can.
* Observe the Breath
Begin by gently noticing your breathing. Is it tight, deep, relaxed or irregular? Notice where you are and then gradually try to take longer, deeper breaths through the nose. 
Follow the breath into the lungs and back out. You breathe all day every day, so you have nothing new to learn, just observe. The breath is an excellent meditation tool because it helps us to get out of our thoughts and into the present moment.
Return to watching the breath every time you are distracted by your thinking. It is a constant practice to try to stay present with your breathing and not be preoccupied with your thoughts.
* Let Your Thoughts Float
Most people think that meditation is about not thinking. That would be nice, but it's nearly impossible to do without a lifetime of practice. Allow your thoughts to surface and try to let them float across your mind like clouds in the sky.
Eventually, you will lose focus on the breath and be consumed by a runaway thought. It's all part of the process. When you catch yourself thinking, simply return to watching the breath. Do this 10 times, 100 times, 1,000 times, if necessary.
* Be Consistent
A meditation practice requires commitment and dedication. Try to schedule your sessions at the same time of day and in the same place, if possible. Being consistent is key to reaping the benefits, and you will settle into your session more quickly and easily.
Begin with setting aside just five minutes in the morning or evening for your daily practice. Over time you can gradually add a few minutes a week to your sessions, building up to 20 or 30 minutes.
Now you're thinking that it's easy to be calm and centered in a quiet, dark room but the rest of my life is total chaos, so what's the point? Well, if you've never played basketball, how could you ever catch a ball? The same goes for meditation.
When you deliberately practice your breathing skills, you will be able to call on them instantly. Having practiced breathing in a consistent, relaxed atmosphere, simply focusing on your breath can be enough to induce a meditative mindset, even when life gets crazy.
It will happen gradually, but you'll notice subtle changes due to your new practice. After just a few sessions, you will notice that you don't get as distracted by your thoughts, are not so moody and are more productive overall.
Be patient with yourself as you begin this process, as you will find some mental and physical roadblocks along the way. This is part of the practice, so give yourself a break if you are not having amazing experiences on the cushion.
This is about a journey, not a destination. You will find that every meditation experience is unique and offers insights about yourself and your world that you never anticipated.
There can be many more elements to a meditation practice, but it is often easier in the beginning to keep things simple. 

Be The Highest Vision Of Yourself