Message of the Day

“… I am Keeper of the Violet Flame … but what I do with that is I give it away. I have given it to you time and time and time again, and each time I have given it to you, it has grown. That is why you are now a towering inferno all on your own.
… I share with you this role of Keeper {and activator} of the Violet Flame. I entrusted it to you millions of years ago in Atlantis, and I entrust it to you again today because I trust you. We have unlimited faith in you. You are our chosen partners – that is not something I do casually. … Love is a sacred trust. And I give you what I have to share, not only my essence, the I AM Presence, but my Violet Flame. Use it my beloved ones. Use it to activate and quietly heal. Go with my Love … ” St. Germaine
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2019 Council of Love, Inc.