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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I Am Antuak also know me as Saint Germain. I wanted to stop by on this first day of your year of the earthly calendar to greet you, to bless you, to thank you for all your service in the name of this approaching New Era, which is stealthily entering and gaining ground for the Golden Age.
We have come great, of course, we still need to go, but we have taken significant steps towards the installation of this New Era my beloved.
Everything is on the horizon. He who has eyes to see, as the Grand Master said, see everything that happens on the planet. Many see it as a negative, but it is a great process of transformation, of transmutation, of liberation, so that this New Golden Age can enter into force into this New humanity, to this New Earth.
Everything is transforming, everything is migrating towards the New Era. Just like computer scientists, those who work in computer programs. We are Migrating to a totally new, improved version of this planet, of this humanity. It’s the front room of the new light, of the New Humanity.
This year, as I told you, start on your calendar, is a decisive year. You can already see the great activity there is on the energetic level on the planet. The sun and everything very active. Energies coming from all Star Systems, energies coming from the Interrestrial Cities, energies from the Galactic Center, energy from our Sun, energy from the Divine Source, Father Mother Adonai.
Do you know that cyclically there is an approaching of a large star, that the scientists of their plane are now talking about this great planet. But great beings have already spoken of their influence, the scriptures speak, much channeled information speaks of this great planet that lets you feel their great influence. But is the help, this great planet will help us move to the Golden Age, its energy, its strength always helps the planet in changing Era, which also drives the Sun, to give the Great Solar Flash that everyone is waiting for. Large, strong emanations of the sun have been given, that many have felt their influences on their bodies.
It’s strong, the Great Solar Flash, the Great Disclosure Process.
The Liberation of the Planet is in the hands of the Big Blue Team, and we are very close. They are already in the open, they no longer know what to explain, what to say, so many lies that humanity no longer believes them. The presence of Star Commands in the skies and will increase more and more not only in the northern country but also in other countries.
We are so close beloved to the big outcome. That’s why I wanted to come on this first day of the year, so that everyone would wait with full confidence. Because I sometimes feel that many are already desperate, because I can no longer stand this hostile planetary tension of negative forces. They’re already out, their big directors are out, those who are in hidden government positions remain, who are the ones running the official governments, let’s call it, of the nations.
Beloved, keep the trust and certainty that the Golden Age is coming for the planet and is approaching in giant steps.
You have the great co-creating power, keep sending, keep visualizing, keep co-creating this new world we want, of love, peace, light, freedom, harmony. The Golden Age of prosperity, abundance, abundance for all. There we will all be together celebrating this great moment.
I bid farewell, I wish you all to have this new beginning of the earthly cycle, with much confidence, with much love.
Get healthy, get active, take advantage of all this energetic flow, so you can form part of the New Humanity in the Golden Age.
I Am Antuak I bless you all.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -01/01/2025