Natalia Alba - Stabilizers & Space Holders - Jun 8

Natalia Alba - Stabilizers & Space Holders - Jun 8, 2024

Stabilizers & Space Holders

Beloved Ones,

We are at a time when working on stabilization is key to successfully anchoring the new earth's energies. In this two-month window, our planet is going to receive harmonic energies to help those of you who are space holders and stabilizers.

After the long period of embodiment, we have been immersed in, it is now time to move into a phase of deep stabilization and removal of lower essences where required, for this is the next step towards regaining balance at all levels.

As ascending souls, we came with a personal and universal mission of planetary restoration, and it is now a time to heal and stabilize the many earth's fabrics that have been, and continue to be damaged by human wars and many other non-benevolent tactics. Many of you are going to serve as space holders for those who are transitioning, souls who are trapped due to wars or other natural disasters, accompanying them in their transition.

Others will be focused on securing the earth's foundations, for the earth's first chakra has been immensely damaged through nuclear experiments, pollution, and the many inorganic anomalies that humans have created.

Holding space is about understanding others, from a neutral and compassionate space while they experience their lessons, reminding them of the power of love while they are traversing their dark night of the soul. Our mission is to support lovingly their transition into illumined beings, not to interfere in their journey.

Planetary space holders are the ones who are in charge of sustaining the illumined frequency that has been recently achieved, in the earth's grids and specific s. This is vital after having rehabilitated certain areas, earth's fabrics, and organic gates, otherwise they will be left unsupported, under forces that could try to sabotage them again.

Stabilizers harmonize the earth's fabrics and templars after grid workers anchor the light codes that are being sent to earth. Space holders are in charge of remaining, perpetually, under certain s, as sentinels of light whose main purpose is to reassure the 's new harmonic frequency, holding the illumined essence that has been anchored.

Space holders need of long periods of retrieval and clearing to achieve their work, as they are exposed to many lower forces, environmental situations, and anomalies that are not easy to cope with. They need emotional support and a higher understanding for their mission involves all of their energy and strength to cope with what is not theirs to experience, as it is very confusing to be an energetic transmitter, stabilizer, or space holder, for we feel all as part of who we are.

They tend to live or travel to many earth's gates, supporting the frequencies and then holding the space remotely, for they are prepared to work on a multidimensional level, even bilocating, while in their sleeping phase, if necessary.

Their Presence is often unnoticed, for their mission is a silent but very peaceful and harmonic one, remaining as pillars bringing love and healing where required.

Both stabilizers and space holders are now key to maintaining the new frequency on our planet, strengthening and supporting the s that are being restored, from eons of profound manipulation. 

All of you, with your precious and unique mission, are creating the planetary shift that is now evident for all who know where to look. Despite all the false propaganda and tactics to make us believe otherwise, our planet is ascending and it is due to your efforts that we are finally entering into a more illumined Era.

As ascending souls, our mission is not to judge, but to BE, where our God Self invites us to. Our main task is not to control or force what we cannot know or have the power to change, for we do not know more than Source.

We aim to stand as light pillars, compassionately witnessing what we know needs to evolve in their own way, and time, supporting them from a loving space, for we know they will too awake at divine timing and need support for their personal evolution.

As ascending souls, we do not intervene, we heal, clear, restore, and stabilize, holding the space for All, even though we may not understand their choices, for our mission is not to understand, but to serve God's Will and Her Divine Plan for All.

Thank you for seeding more love, harmony, and peace, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba