************* Golden Age Messages from the Masters

Golden Age Messages

from the Masters

through the founders of the

Ascended Masters Mystery School 


October  2016

Living Outside of Time               

Part 1

Time as we know it in the higher dimensions and on the inner planes is quite different than what you know on Earth. We do not measure our minutes, days, months and years by a clock or a calendar because we are only interested in whatever is taking place in each unfolding moment. We are always focused on how we can assist in the expansion of the Love and Light of God and in how we can expand The Divine Plan. This keeps us in harmony with each other and the planet or star system in which we are living and serving. We do pay attention to what you might observe as a cosmic clock that is aligned with the movement of the suns, the stars and the planets, as this assists us in remaining in oneness with the galactic forms of life we have agreed to serve. Living in this way might appear to your finite mind to be a chaotic way to live, yet we assure you that within the higher crystalline-based mind of your Presence, you have the capacities and indeed the desire to live just as we do.

The Ascended Masters within the Councils of Shamballa

These are the so-called times on your spiritual journey that you may indeed be noticing how you are being encouraged to remain more present within the your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies. For thousands of years, the mind of your ego has generally trained you to listen and communicate both internally and externally in ways that would keep encouraging you to measure, categorize and differentiate all information in relationship to what you think you know and accept or believe to be true. Yet realize that all of this information has only been generated by the egoic mind and very little of it by the Mind of God through your Presence.  

Imagine living without the fear-based need to keep measuring your information against what is generally known or accepted to be true. Humanity’s agreed-upon basis for truth is only founded in their collective need to remain surrounded by a power base of acceptable information. This so-called acceptable information falls into two categories: the first is a general form of information that is shared by the majority. The second is information generally guarded by the elite and those within the governing councils on your Earth. This has only made your planet appear to be a safe place to live, yet it has NOT allowed you to BE the magnificent co-creators and wayshowers of your new Golden Age of Freedom that you were intended to be.

Now is your time to be a true pioneer by breaking any ties you may still have to your old 3rd dimensional patterns of thinking, feeling or expressing yourself. Only by bringing the Light-filled understanding of your Presence into every arena that is still attempting to control the egos of humanity can the crystalline template for each of the citizens of your world be set into motion. 

We are counting on you in concert with the thousands of children who are now aligned with their higher consciousness, to come together to break the bonds of the past so your planet can truly ascend into the 5th dimension. The need to measure and perhaps categorize the events of your life will no longer be necessary. The more you let go of any need to place people, events and even feelings into the files of your mind based on expected outcomes, the freer you are to simply release the need to interfere with any lesson that may still need to be completed.

The more you release the ego’s tendency to control yourself or another, the freer you are to live as your Presence and to support others in doing whatever they need to do to live in conscious union with their Presence. Letting go of control and living outside of the many time restrictions that have been holding humanity captive within the 3rd dimension for thousands of years is how you can now create much more room in your life for simply relaxing and living in the natural joy and harmony that comes with living every moment as your God Presence. This will ensure that your life is much more magical and more filled with the kind of excitement that comes with not knowing what will be happening next. Time is truly out of your hands since it resides in the knowing heart of your Beloved Mother/Father God. Now is the time to step into the joy of living as the Presence of God embodied.

To assist you living in the joy of the Presence of God embodied and manifesting your highest purpose and moving into the unlimited 5th dimension, a year-long Private Mentoring with the Masters Program has been created so you can ascend into the freedom, majesty and abundance of the Presence of God within you.  In addition, to assist you in manifesting your destiny and fully embodying your Presence in all areas of your life and facilitating others to do the same, a 3-month Ascension Coaching Certification Training has been created. We invite you to participate.


Ascension Coaching Certification Training

A 3-Month Online Program 

For more information, go to: 


Private Mentoring with the Masters 

               A Year-Long Program                        

For more information, go to: 


The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: www.WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster.com and click on the Menu: 

*Council of Awakened Masters (on-going twice a month)

*Mentoring with the Masters for Golden Age Teachers (now available online)

*Be The Change: Advanced Ascension & Manifestation Training (now available online)

*Create the Life You Want to Live (now available online)

*Consciously Co-Create with the Masters (now available online)

*Create a Successful Business As Your Unlimited True Self (now available online)

*Presence to Presence: Living in Unity Consciousness (now an online course)

*Creating Beloved Golden Age Community Teachers Certification Training (now available online)

*Living As Your Presence: Initiations with the Buddha, Christ & Divine Mother (now online course)

*Golden Age Leadership Teachers Certification Training (now available online)

*Creating Your New Life (now an online course)

*Manifesting As Your Presence Teachers Certification Training (now online)

*Merging with Your Presence (now an online course)

*Embodying Your Presence Teachers Certification Training (soon available online)

*Conscious Ascension: Living as the Presence, Bringing Heaven to Earth  (now an online course)

*Conscious Ascension into the Golden Age Teachers Certification Training (now online)

*Consciously Create in Unlimitedness & Joy Parts 1 & II (now online )

*Co-Creating a New Golden Age  (now an online course)

*Consciously Create a Golden Age Teachers Certification Training  (now online)

*Golden Age Man & Woman  (now an online course)

*Golden Age Man & Woman Teachers Certification Training (now available online)  

*Golden Age Children Course for Parents & Teachers  (now an online course)

*Golden Age Children Teachers Certification Training  (now available online)

*Golden Age Practices to Heal and Communicate with Your Pet (now available online)

*Mastery I, II & III to Walk the Earth as a Living Master (now online) 

To learn how you can work personally with the Masters to achieve your own mastery, go to:  www.WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster.com and click on Mastery I from the menu.    


The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master are offered by the Ascended Masters Mystery School, created by the Masters to assist humanity in living their mastery. The receivers of the Masters’ transmissions, facilitators of the Courses and coordinators of the school are Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose. Kamala is the author of “Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension” and has been receiving transmissions from the Masters for over 35 years. Sharon has been in communication with the Masters for over 30 years, past Director of The School for Self-Mastery and Center for Esoteric Studies and has written more than a dozen spiritual books.

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