The Collective of Ascended Masters: All You Need t

The Collective of Ascended Masters: All You Need to Know is Here

Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We endeavor to awaken within you more of the knowledge and the wisdom that lies dormant within you. You do not only access wisdom and knowledge through learning from books, videos, and other people. You access all that you need by recognizing that it is within you and then seeking it out. When you are being given a high-frequency energy transmission, such as this one, you are more likely to access what has been buried deep down inside of you. And you may even attribute that new knowledge or wisdom to us, but we deserve not one iota of credit for it. 

It is within you, and it is you, and we are the facilitators. We are the ones who inspire, but we also want you to recognize yourselves as the ones who contain everything that you need inside of you. So what do you need to know then? You need to know who you really are, and you need to know that everything is within you. You sometimes feel lost in this world, in this sea of possibilities. You sometimes feel confused about what you are to do next, what direction to take in your lives. Our recommendation is that when you are at one of those crossroads, you simply close your eyes, relax, breathe and wait. 

The waiting is the hardest part, because in the waiting, doubt can creep in. When doubt creeps in, it is like going back to the belief that says that you don’t have all the answers inside of you, and maybe you should consult someone else, maybe you need to ask another human being for their opinion on your life. But that can ultimately confuse your mind, and what you want is less confusion. That is why it’s so important to shut off your mind for a while and let yourself receive the wisdom and the knowledge, the intuitive hit that you are getting from within. 

Let it rise to the surface. If nothing happens, and you’ve sat for fifteen, thirty, or even forty-five minutes, do not despair. Do not then assume that you just wasted your time. You did not waste your time. You meditated, and you affirmed your belief in yourself and in what is contained within you. You don’t need to pretend that your physical, logical mind has all the answers all the time, and you also do not need to despair that you don’t know anything. Instead, find the happy medium, and recognize that you will know what you need to know when you need to know it. 

You don’t need information that you don’t need. And so, relaxing and trusting, having patience and faith become a big part of this journey for all of you at one time or another. And the patient one knows that what they need will rise up to the surface. It is a show of faith. It is a belief in the self, the true self, the whole self, and you do not need to go back into doubt as though doubt has all the answers. Remember that the next time you start to feel yourself sliding back into that idea that the answers must be obtained by going to some source outside of you. 

Listen to your hearts and your feelings. Determine for yourselves whether something resonates with you, the real you. And trust that what you haven’t unlocked yet within you will be unlocked, and it will most likely be because you did nothing but focus on something that is putting you in a higher-vibrational state. 

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.