Divine Forces Are Reaching Out to Humanity

Divine Forces Are Reaching Out to Humanity

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The frequency of Earth continues to rise by the minute. Through the many portals activated on Earth, ancient vortexes’ points, and especially through the Starseeds, lightworkers, the energies of the higher realms are being anchored on Earth at this time.

You are spiritual light in embodiment, and the cosmic forces are working with you, with all the ones who have chosen the path of love.

In these times Divine forces are reaching out to humanity.

You are being called home, to your rightful place among the stars. And the way home is via the heart. It is the place of your Divine Spark, the Individuated Spiritual Sun. This is you, with all the qualities of Source.

The Third Dimensional human experience is its in conclusion phase. The stargates are now open for the Collective to enter the realms of paradise.

You have awakened from the dream of being human, and readying to live as the Soul in your truest form.

You are light and love realized. And now all of those with that frequency are coming together, for the moment approaches to shift into a new paradigm.

The blessings of the stars come your way!