The Blue Avians: Glitches in the Matrix

The Blue Avians: Glitches in the Matrix

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

We are the Blue Avians, delighted to establish a new connection with you, beyond space and time.

Dear humans, as you shift from the 3D vibration upwards, you might experience significant changes. These changes are meant to show you something. For example, many of you have started to notice glitches in the Matrix, and it might seem like this is happening for the first time. These glitches have always existed, but now your brain can perceive them. You are beginning to discover that you have been experiencing something akin to a game, virtual reality, or simulation. While none of these terms fully capture the truth, they help you form an image of what is happening.

Your supraconscious mind generates the reality you experience. The 3D mind was meant to perceive this reality as very real and take it seriously. In contrast, the 5D mind acknowledges that it is a spontaneous creation and seeks to master it. Currently, you are positioned somewhere between these two states. Sometimes you observe synchronicities, noting the correlation between mind and matter. At other times, you perceive a reality that seems disconnected from your inner experience. This fluctuation occurs because you are shifting from one vibration to another.

We know you all wish to have a stable 5D experience and wonder how to achieve it. It is simpler than you think! As you wake up each morning remind yourself that you are the creator of your own reality. This affirmation felt deeply, will immediately position you on the 5D timeline. Think about all the amazing experiences you wish to have throughout the day and how much you will enjoy them. Be spontaneous, be creative, be you!

On a 5D timeline, you will experience the Mandela effect and other glitches as you awaken completely, integrating the information slowly. What if you start playing with your reality by programming it? Before going out, tell yourself what you would like to see. For example, “I want to meet a cat on my way!” Start programming, be playful, and enjoy it, for this is when you turn yourself into a Prime Creator.

There is no need to create out of necessity; do so because you enjoy it! Observe the glitches and take them as reminders not to take life so seriously. Each time you see a glitch, remind yourself, “It is all a game,” and relax. We are here to support and guide you into the 5D dimension. Now it is time to let go of all seriousness and start being playful.

What is the first thing you want to see today? Imagine it and project it. Be powerful in your creation, and be joyful.