Ashtar Command
Urgent planetary report !!!
Dear Ones …
We are being guided to look at what is happening with the collective Timelines that are unfolding into a mass storm at the moment ….
With clarity and hope … and not a tempestuous conflict of emotions
For example:
What is happening right now with the English Brexit Being extended now till October 31st …..
And what with the Arrest of
Julian Assange….
what the heck is happening here ….
well …. We need clarity …..
So ….. Commander Ash’Tar’Ka’ree Speaks ….
Beloveds my brothers & Sisters ….
Your realm is being bombarded with mass amounts of Photonic kinetic plasma light from our Great alpha and Omega Central Sun
However at the same time …..
There is a mass amount of intense waves of negative polarity entering in …
There are Astral energies that are being sent into this planetary field , it is negative energy that works with the compartmentalised negative energy of our fallen brothers & Sisters …
That think themselves your controllers ‘
when they are not ….
These ones Are reeling in this negative energy …. at the same time as great love light is flowing in to your planetary mother …
This dark energy is
For one thing only …. to feed of fear .. division… and separation…
Because divine grace and light is winning ( The feminine is balancing out the masculine Polarity)
And We are working to remove this negative energy….
But Remember dear ones ….
Your light beloveds is exceptionally bright and it’s clearing so much of the Etheric Grid … enabling timelines to split … there are multiple variables at play here….
Our Fallen brothers and sisters are sending massive amount of negativity birthing from the Lower Astral realm …. this negative polarity is to feed off Collective fear …. ( this is there Ultimate weapon)!! FEAR …..
And unfortunately the unaware beautiful souls do not understand this …. ‘ the sleeping souls of this realm are executing this fear …..
running there individualized multiple programs of fear division and separation ……… unfortunately they are feeding this negative polarity …. at an Unconscious level….
They are grounding this into there subtle energy bodies including your … Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Lower Mental Body, Higher Mental Body, Causal Body, Soul Body and the Integrated Spiritual Body…..
thus creating magnetised fear….
Remember beloveds
Fear is nothing but a program that runs ( magnetised negative spiritual algorithm ) …….
until you move into your high-hearts… into zero point of True Oneness Of self realisation that you are one with God …
you then eliminate this program ….
And unfortunately The persistent Programming of fear , within fractions of the collective is pushing the result of this negative polarity energy that is coming to play……
Remember beloveds ….
All That is taking place around you ‘ is a stage …. the stage is set , the actors are acting out there necessary roles… All is a purged storm yes , but this planet is not all within a purgatory polarity…..
There is still hope beloveds !!! , and you are the hope ….. you are the spiritual eagle warriors of the 144 who volunteered to come here to this realm with us your Galactic counterparts …
to persistently fight in the name of the creator light most high …..
To bring this planet into a higher state of consciousness to bring your brothers and sisters with you…. to be part of a utopia cornucopian paradise that will be the new 5D Earth …. and to share this existence with us your galactic brothers and sisters
thus becoming planetary galactic citizens…..
You came here Beautiful souls , not to give up on the great fight ,
To stand in your power your sovereignty and divine light
To Stand in the face of adversity…
To move within the realms of oppression with dignity’ grace strength and valour…!!! ….
As Great co-creators ‘ continue to anchor in the light …. to be the conduits of light …. when all of the lights “seem “ as if they’re going out ……
beloveds , you are now in the deep end of the pool… you have bypassed the shallow end …. and are treading deep waters…. in these times of Great purging that is necessary to move this Great shift into the golden age ….
We your Galactic Brothers and sisters are under universal oath .. of the prime directive , you also came in with this coded oath ‘ you understand necessary collective timelines ‘ …, collectively have to play out ……
The implementation and involvement of our Galactic Fleets And Our galactic presence …. can not infringe on your ( free will) we have to abide by certain diplomatic clemency …..
Beloveds ….We are your Galactic family we are your spiritual teachers & …. we have come to support mankind in a spiritual awakening ….. and will continue to be by your side through this great storm….
However as a human collective you have to drop your tempestuous fears and Programs that you are running individually and collectively ….
As Fear of separation from self, is exactly what the negative astral polarity wants …..
So use your inner discernment , your inner compass… when feeling these times of confusion….
Don’t give your light away to these ones … beautiful souls that you are ….
know thy self …..
Continue on….. wonderful divine spiritual warrior eagles
We are all One …
We are with you always ….
Be the ever powerful co-creators powerful Masters ….. that you are manifest the light within & without ….. continue to be the guiding lights ….. No matter what darkness is put in front of you ….
Continue on with mass meditations understanding how powerful you are when you come together as a collective …. working with manifestation & intent of collective mass meditation….
And know we your galactic brothers and sisters are with you always ….
As you are the great soldiers and legions of light …. and yes ‘…
you are in the trenches …..
but you are our eyes and ears….
so stay vigilant stay steadfast ….
In brotherly and sisterly love relief and truth
And We Bow to you…. beloveds
Namaste my beautiful brothers and sisters
All my love
High Commander Ash’Tar’Ka’ree
Of The Jupiter Command & AshtarCommand
Telepathic Channeled by
Ria Aurora Athena Ash