Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . |
Last night I dreamt about pyramids. I was on a planet where all the housing was designed in the pyramid shape and they were Enjoy, |
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SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDS!Source: Pyramid Cafe |
Pyramid power has supernatural or paranormal properties shown with ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape. This Pyramid power is one of many theories, referred to as pyramidology. Some of the effects are:▪ Food kept under a pyramid will stay fresh for two to three times longer than uncovered food. Artificial flavorings in food will▪ The taste of foods change; they become less bitter or acid. Spectrographic reading of the treated item will show a change in the molecular structure. ▪ The pyramid will dehydrate and mummify things, without decay or mold growing. ▪ There is also a slowing or complete stopping of the growth of microorganisms. ▪ Kirlian photographs show the aura to be significantly brighter after a 15 minute exposure period. Reactions to pyramid environments:▪ Persons living, meditate, work or sleep inside of a pyramid building or under a pyramid framework, generally feel immediate positive reactions.▪ Creatures are magnetically attracted to Pyramid replicas. ▪ Testimonials from several ▪ Dogs and cats are observed to respond to the pyramids. Pyramid research:Bill One of the things he and his associates have found is that hypertensive individuals become tranquilized, but lethargic people become energetic again. A lot of work has been done with individuals who meditate. The theta and alpha brain waves are increased. These frequencies are also higher and the signal strength is twice the 9amplitude of normal. Dr. Carl Benedicks (a Swedish scientist) discovered that the pyramid produced a resonance or frequency inside it. Two German scientists, Born and Researchers discovered that items placed under a pyramid stay "charged" for various lengths of time after being taken from under the pyramid. Crystals and water Doctors have been experimenting with Pyramids.A Canadian hospital tried using a pyramid in their burn ward. The results were that after being under the pyramid for a few minutes, the patients' pain started to reduce. How
Evidence From Ancient Egyptian Tombs:Egyptologists have found The preservation of organic material in pyramids has received a lot of attention in popular books. In the 1930s, a Frenchman named Antoine Bovis observed that a dead cat in the Great Pyramid did not decompose. The animal apparently wandered into the King's Chamber and perished before finding an exit route. The cat's body dried out, although the air in the King's Chamber is always humid. Bovis's observation gave rise to the idea of 'pyramid power,' which preserve organic matter. Advocates of pyramid power include a French radiologist named Jean Martial; an electronics engineer from Prague named Karl Drbal; author and biologist Lyall Watson; and physicist Patrick Flanagan. Small models made of paper, wood or other materials, have been tested for desiccating organic matter and sharpening razor blades. Several tests have demonstrated At Saqqara, Egypt, Egyptologists excavated a tomb of a woman of lesser nobility. In accordance with funerary customs, an elaborate meal was set out on pottery platters. The meal consisted of porridge, quail, kidneys, pigeon, fish, beef ribs, triangular loaves of bread, cakes The example suggests that shape is the key to the phenomenon popularly known as ' pyramid power.' Conclusion: Some experiments using properly oriented model pyramids, built of a variety of materials and oriented to the Earth's north-south axis, have preserved organic matter. My own experiments conducted in the mid-1980s included a number of small, model pyramids and closed vessels of other shapes. MEDITATION IN PYRAMIDS:Careful study reveals several unique and beneficial qualities that may be derived from Pyramid Meditation. Experienced Meditators relate profound results in their quest for expanded awareness Psychics who use pyramids in that fashion have achieved an altered state of consciousness more rapidly than they would have otherwise, placed on the head focussing through the chakra system, during Meditation sessions, clearing psychic passages which may have become blocked. The pyramid is a geometric amplifier which increases the power of prayer or strengthens the spiritual request of a religious devotee. Pyramid Meditators suggest that the best results are achieved by sitting upright with the upper chakras located approximately one third up from the pyramid base directly under the apex. The use of a pyramid in meditation can Many users claim increased memory recall, visions of past incarnations, telepathic communication and an expansion of awareness. Verbal and written testimonials, among experienced and non-experienced pyramid meditators throughout the
1. A sense of weightlessness. |
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