Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, June 23d, 2018
Message from the Angels |
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My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Open your hearts to receiving the love that is all around you Your world may be in a state of unrest, but always there is love. Your relationships may be kind or contentious but always there is love. Your bank account may be plentiful or sparse but always there is love. Your job is simply to keep your hearts open and look for love. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened.” Think of all the wonderful ways Life is loving you right this very moment! You have Look for love and you will see it shining forth through every natural Can you go look into the mirror in the next few minutes and say to yourself, “I am We know that almost each and every one of you When life is unkind People can inspire great pain in you when they cut themselves off from the source of love. But you have to ask yourself the courageous questions, “Where was I not loving myself? Where was I not being honest with myself? When did I ignore my guidance, stop communicating deeply, or refuse to walk away?” How did I break my own heart? How did I betray myself? How did I allow this to occur?” Although it may be hard to see, in every painful situation, at some point prior, you received guidance, intuition, red flags, or signs that communication or a course-correction was in order. We in the heavens are always trying to steer you towards joy and away from pain. Rather than blaming yourself for missing the signs, take heart! You have learned. Whether you feel joyous or heartbroken, love is here. Whether you feel rich or poor, love is here! Whether your world is stable or shaky love is here! Love is the eternal reality beneath the ephemeral circumstances of your life! Dear ones, open your hearts right here and now. Sit. Breathe. Receive our love. Your earth is a tough school indeed, but if you are willing to remain open to Love, it is there for you in every single breath. God Bless You! We love you so very much. |