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The electromagnetic field is altered and has been the reason for the collision of the planes, and the lack of control of the animals. There are many animals reaching the shores as a result of the altered electromagnetic field, which is also generating movement of the internal plates, which also helps these animals to leave and move away from their places in the sea.
Beloved, we have already given you great messages about the planetary situation. Every time the planet is being heavily affected by external forces. We’ve talked to them, they’ve given them messages about the magnetic anomalies of the Pacific, the South Atlantic, the magnetic north pole that is very, very active the whole planetary field. Even at the solar system level there is a lot of distortion too.
The sun is very active, losing coronal mass, sending plasma throughout the system. There is no escape that any of these strong emanations directly impact the planet and give the Big Flash everyone is waiting for. All the children of light long for this reality to come to its end, to begin the New humanity, with new perspectives, with a New Energy in a New Earth, with a New Consciousness in a New Light.
Beloved, as Sananda said, whoever has eyes to see let him see and whoever has ears to hear let him hear. See everything around you, observe, it’s not just seeing, it means looking, observing. Don’t just listen to the news, sit it in your heart, see in context everything that is happening on the planet and you’ll realize that the planet is in a rather unstable situation.
There is no escape that from any moment we are already in a new reality. Only Father Mother Adonai knows the time, the hour, we are prepared. Because we have a Great Mission in the New Earth, the whole Team.
In the New Earth we will be with you Sananda, Lady Nada and the Great Entourage that will accompany us. Great Beings of Great Spiritual Breakthroughs will be with us starting the New Earth of Light and Love, Project so long-awaited and so important for our Father Mother Adonai.
Everyone pay attention, observe, look and prepare yourselves mainly. All be prepared internally by raising your frequency, your vibration, lest events accelerate and grab you off base. Many are already postponing and postponing their healing, their activation, their spiritual awakening, because they are so attached to the world of forms, of materiality.
Reflect beloved children, times are pressing and the light is calling. Everything is accelerated.
I bid farewell with all my love to all the children of Father Mother Adonai. I am Lady Nada and I am accompanied by Sananda my Divine Consort.
Blessings to all.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -01/02/2025