Adama: Telos Community

Adama: Telos Community

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Love to all of you. We wish to be able to have contact with you once again and to truly honor this moment. We belong to Earth, and we live beneath it, in a reality that many of you know nothing about.

We connect with you today to invite you to start visiting us once again. Many of you have turned your attention towards magic, seeking truth within, and many more are awakening to a new perception.

We live in Telos and have created a living community, a city under the Earth, so we can keep the planetary vibration stable. We are here also because the gates between realities are reopening, and it is our turn to come back, make ourselves seen, and share our teachings once again.

We are here, and we invite you, beings of Earth, to turn towards us once again, because your Lemurian soul calls you back home.

There are times to wander the Earth, and times to be still because change is about to come. Enjoy this silence, and be prepared. Your life will change entirely soon—be ready and embrace the change, but prepare the space for it to happen.

You are of the stars, and though you belong to Earth now, honor it and remember why you came here. Are you one of the volunteers? One of the lightworkers? One of the frequency holders? Make the best use of your gifts, and remember to ask for guidance.

Know that all the answers are already within you. Ask your questions and the answers will be revealed.

We are here to reconnect you with your land, to reestablish balance so you can experience the real abundance that you are.

Dear sovereign beings of Earth, you have not honored your planet and thus you have disconnected from her soul. Now you are trying to be fulfilled by achieving that which is not of Earth, going against what is natural and safe for you and for her. Did you forget that Mother Earth is supposed to feed you, nourish you, and give you shelter? When will you come back to her to honor her again? This is when you will feel how abundant you are because you are her and she is you. Be blessed, and turn back home to nature. Be blessed and stay connected with the spirits of your land. We are here to guide you, and we will continue to do so for as long as it is needed.

What good would you do today for your planet?

For one on one sessions

May be an image of text that says ""You are of the stars, and though you belong to Earth now, honor it honoritand and remember mber why you came here. Areyou Are you ለጠ one of the volunteers? One Oneofthe of the lightworkers? Oneof of the frequency holders? Make the best use of your gifts, and remember to ask for guidance.""