The Collective via Caroline Oceana Ryan, February 26th, 2019
A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2019
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you.
We wish to speak with you today about your own growth and journey.
And so we ask that you take your eyes off of what is occurring outwardly in your world for a moment.
World events that many have considered to be highly negative have occurred on the Earth for many thousands of years.
These do not necessarily define the quality of your life, or even the full quality of life experienced by those facing the brunt of these events.
And so we would ask that you release thoughts of the outer world for a moment, and grow quiet now, and move into the heartspace for a moment.
Call forward your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, spirit guides, and higher self, to speak to you in your current life journey energetically, as we speak to you via these words and our own energies, if you are open to such.

We would like you to consider that at the heart of all you do, there is a powerful desire to step into the Light at greater and greater levels.
This desire might be expressed as greater Peace of heart-mind, greater Wisdom and understanding, greater capacity to Love, or to manifest your life in higher forms.
That desire has in part been placed there by your soul and higher self, and in part, has occurred as a reaction to the current condition of your inner and outer life.
So that far from being slowed or pulled off-track by your life events and circumstances, you are all the more encouraged and motivated by that which captures your attention as being “something I need to work on.”
It becomes something that pushes you to move to a higher level of vibration and understanding in that area.
We would say, that though the more challenging aspects of your daily life can be trying and difficult, you need not feed the difficult aspects of those situations by called them “problems.”
You might instead wish to call them “a knock on the door” that you are meant to answer, not only in outer physical ways, but by going inward and asking for Wisdom on that issue, asking why it has come to you, what it is connected to (such as other lives, your soul growth, or your life mission), and what you can do to lift it to a higher level.
Be aware that not every issue in your life requires a solution or a positive outcome that will be obvious and visible to you, either now or at a later moment.
You have seen how some things have occurred in your life which you considered untenable—painful situations that seemed to cry out for immediate healing or resolution, yet which over time, you came to view as moments that released you from an old belief or energy pattern that was not serving you.
You had in fact, on a higher level, set up that situation to assist you in detaching from what belonged to a younger self, or a past life self, and was not a positive presence for you.
And so we would simply ask that you would “take yourself off the hook” one might say, and stop blaming yourself or your outer life for showing up in ways that feel uncomfortable—that seem to be calling out with “Lack” or “Loss” or “I’m stuck here!”
You possess the ability to show yourself Love in every situation in your life, regardless of whether you seem to be creating the money you desire, the relationship or level of healthy you desire, or the home or work or other situations you desire.

Loving yourself and speaking kind words to yourself—loving and thanking the situation for what it is showing you—will go very far indeed to transforming that which currently troubles you.
Whereas separating from the situation and calling it “troublesome” will simply cement it in place, indefinitely.
(Nor do you need to experience an area of life as painful or difficult in order to experience growth and change in that area.)
And so we send much Light and Love to you all, with great thanks and appreciation for all you are doing on the Earth now, in anchoring the forms of higher Light that transform worlds.
We would only ask that you extend that Light and Love to your own lives, and cease all forms of dislike for your current life, extending the same patience and Love you would extend to a small child who is doing all she or he can to understand, to learn, to keep growing.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan