I am with you simply to make sure that you have not forgotten that this journey is not to be traveled alone and in separation. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings dear ones! I am Archangel Suzanna Michaela Gabrielle, Archangel and lily of love, trumpet of the truth, messenger and bringer of the truth and news, and your beloved family and constant companion on this journey of love that you are undertaking on Earth and far beyond.
At this time of celebration, of birth and rebirth, at this time of rapid changes and adjustments, it is imperative that you sit with me and with all of us here in the higher realm, so that you avoid getting side tracked and disillusioned by the concomitant rising of chaos and the swirling of all these disempowering negative energies.
To sit quietly and with great contentment, connected heart to heart with the entire Council of Love, to commune with us and endeavor to share love, cheer, and joy, but mostly peace and serenity, is essential. Yes, dearest hearts, this the way to refill yourselves with peace and reassurance, knowing that you are indeed right where you are meant to be and that all is well!
Most of the time when you meet with your family and friends in your world for any reason at all, whether birthdays or graduations, or any kind of get together, you do not ask ahead of time what this event will be bringing to you. You do not seek to know in advance what are you going to talk about, or what kind of news, if any, will be shared and discussed in order to make you feel that this is to be a great event of sharing and gathering in love as one. It is only your intention to celebrate the togetherness and have a good and uplifting time with each other that really matters.
Consequently, what usually happens is that you end up having a marvelous time together, regardless of what was brought to your attention that enriched your experience, or what kind of games you engaged in and ended up playing most joyfully.
It is the same with us, for whenever we gather and sit together, we might not have much news to bring to the forefront, we might not say much more than what we have already discussed, but there is an intense sense of community and inclusion. And even though we are always with you, we are, nevertheless, delighted when you include us consciously to take us with you throughout your daily journeys so that we are thus participating in all of your activities.
You see, we had designed it to be like this from the beginning of your descent into the third dimensional reality. We are with you to assist you at all times when asked, and it doesn’t matter if I, Gabrielle, have to ride on the hood of your car through the freezing cold, or infuse bubbles of joy into your hearts, as I remind you of the promises you made to the Mother. It all means the same to me, for I am with you simply to make sure that you have not forgotten that this journey is not to be traveled alone and in separation.
Whenever you go through more intense patches of new beginnings, such as you, the ones listening or reading this message, are traversing at this time, in this now moment, it is advisable to hold on even more firmly to your brothers’ and sisters’ hands so you do not become confused and even fearful due to a lack of understanding of your new mission(s). There is always that tendency to fall into doubt, into feelings of being too small and insignificant while moving further along your path and not knowing or having all the details of the newly expanded, and at times entirely different types of undertaking that you had already said a courageous “Yes!” to.
But whatever it is that you have to focus on, my dearest and bright ones, it matters not for each of you have unique and specialized tasks you have taken upon yourselves. What you need to keep in mind is that you are more than capable of completing them, and that you do have all the wisdom and the wherewithal to succeed in all of these new undertakings.
Coming and sitting daily with us and with your higher selves will be reassuring to you, it will assist in constantly refilling you with great strength and stamina, it will align you with the highest vibration of love and compassion there is, so that you can proceed in joy and lightness in every moment, regardless of what stands before thee.
I will leave you now with my eternal love and joy, though I am never too far from any of you! Farewell.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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