Message from Vrillon: The Plan Has Changed

Message from Vrillon: The Plan Has Changed

Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.

Thank you for connecting with us Ambassador. As always, it is wonderful to be speaking with you, and also to those who will be hearing, and reading our Transmission.

The time is approaching for our initial contact with Humanity, and for some, it is already happening. This contact is not going to be with your Governments, as originally planned. The reason is most of your leaders are still under dark rule.

We will need to contact key players in this process, individuals with important missions for the planet. The intention is to gradually involve more people, allowing the information to spread calmly. Those who have contact with us can share their stories with others, which is a powerful way for exposure.

Progress is ongoing, and we are observing your planet closely, aware of every action taken. While we cannot intervene in most cases, our current focus is maintaining balance amidst those who incite conflict and disaster. This task is very substantial, as there are many on Earth, pushing discord.

Our vigilance is constant because any negligence could lead to severe consequences. Our primary concern is safeguarding you from potential repercussions. We are aware of the Dark Cabal’s actions and agenda, but their reign is nearing its end. Many have already been replaced by representatives of the Light, even if it may not seem apparent. Many undercover operations are currently underway, to secure the strength of the Light.

We must proceed cautiously, balancing caution with urgency.

It may be challenging for many to grasp, but we must exercise extreme care, as those opposing us have no qualms about causing harm. We are actively working to prevent chaos and ensure a positive outcome.

Patience is key as we work towards defining, and organizing matters, in the alignment with the Light.

Once we have full contact, we can make significant strides, healing diseases and enhancing your quality of life. However, this process requires the cooperation of your governments, it will not be an instantaneous solution, as many hope it to be. We are not the Ones holding the technologies from you, it is your governments who follow the Rule of your Big Pharma. On your Earth, money is the ruler of All Darkness.

As the Earth Continues raising in Light, Her transformation will serve as a filter, distinguishing between those who align with the Light, and those who do not. This process will unfold gently yet effectively, leading to a beneficial outcome for all involved. This will also help to remove the Unwanted rulers that do not want to relinquish their control over humanity.

Embrace the flow, continue radiating Light, and fulfill your roles as beacons of Light, in this pivotal moment.

The stage is set for a very important meeting, within the Grand Alliance, that will evoke profound changes, ultimately benefiting both Earth and Humanity.

Remember, as you navigate these critical times, unity among the Lightworkers are paramount. By coming together in harmony and purpose, you amplify the collective energy of positivity and transformation. Each individual’s contribution, no matter how small, plays a significant role in the change unfolding before you.

Furthermore, it is essential to remain grounded and centered amidst the shifting change. By staying connected to your inner Light and intuition, you can navigate the Earths challenges with grace and resilience. Trust in your own Inner guidance, and know that you are part of a grand, interconnected web of Light, that spans across dimensions. We are all here, in these precious moments, to help assist in Humanities and the Earth’s Ascension.

As you move forward on this journey of evolution and awakening, remember to hold space for one another with compassion and understanding. Recognize the unique gifts and perspectives each individual brings to the collective table, fostering a sense of unity and respect for all beings.

Together, you are weaving a new narrative of love, harmony, and peace on Earth. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, knowing that the Light within you is a beacon of hope and transformation for the world. Trust in the Divine process, stay aligned with your purpose, and let your Light shine brightly for all to see.

We are here, and we love you.