Wisdom of the Council: The Miraculous

Wisdom of the Council: The Miraculous

Channel: Sara Landon | Source

Rise up, rise up, master. Rise up. Ascend beyond lack, limitation, fear, separation, shame, guilt, unworthiness. Transcend the lower frequencies, the lower vibrations that entangle you. Transcend, transcend, transcend into pure love, into the knowing of your infinite worthiness. Transcend and come fully into abundance and wellbeing and harmony and freedom.

You came for the journey. You came for the grand adventure. You came to witness your own becoming. You came to witness your journey to realization. You came to witness the grand adventure. You came for the experiences. You came for the fun. You came to express all that you are.

Ascend beyond into total love, compassion, understanding, and acceptance for yourself. The rest is easy. When you come into love, compassion, acceptance, approval, understanding, and reverence for yourself, oh, well, then accepting and understanding others is easy, loving others is easy, having compassion is easy. But you cannot allow the energy of compassion through you without allowing it for yourself. 

This is a pivotal moment. This is the once-and-for-all, forevermore loving request from the Divine that is you to come fully into your infinite worthiness, where your very way of being is to embody love, compassion, acceptance, approval, understanding, and reverence for yourself. Not for some bigger, better, more powerful, godlike being outside of you, not for some bigger, better, more successful person around you, not even for some belief in some galactic beings that are more powerful and enlightened than you. No. Once and for all, allowing your infinite worthiness to be embodied by you and experiencing love, compassion, unwavering love and compassion, unwavering love and compassion, unwavering acceptance and approval of yourself, unwavering understanding, and an unwavering reverence for yourself.

No one has more power than you. Nothing has more power than you. Nothing is more deserving than you. Nothing can make you more enough than you are. 

This is the call. This is the final piece into ascension and transcendence. If there is anything you need to forgive, do it now. If you need to forgive yourself, do it now. If you need to forgive yourself for all those years you deemed yourself unworthy, do it now. If you need to forgive yourself for all the times you judged yourself, do it now. If you need to forgive yourself for judging others, do it now. If you need to forgive yourself for the shame you carried and the guilt that you carried, do it now. If you need to forgive another for what you think they need to feel guilty or ashamed about, do it now. Do it now. Do it now. Do it now. Do it now. 

There’s no need to carry it. There’s no need to keep dragging it around. Not only are you rolling a boulder up the hill in the mud with big heavy boots on, you have a backpack full of boulders that you’re carrying on your back. And then you wonder why you’re exhausted. You wonder why you don’t feel good. You wonder why everything is overwhelming. You wonder why you’re not clear. You wonder why. Forgive. Do it now. You don’t need the story. You don’t need the guilt. You don’t need the shame. You don’t need the worry. You don’t need to carry this anymore.

You’re on a journey. You’ve been carrying backpacks and suitcases of boulders for decades. Why? Well, it doesn’t matter. Just let them go. Do it now. Oh, well, I have to carry these boulders. How else will I prove that I am worthy? How else will I please those around me? How else will I be lovable? 

There is not one boulder in your backpack that’s going to make you more worthy, so let it go. You can’t carry enough boulders to ever be worthy of the love that you are. You already are.

Many of you have experienced completions. Some of those were completions that were obvious to you — the end of a career, the end of a job, child going off to college, the end of a relationship, the end of a struggle or difficult time. But you’ve also had completions where you came full circle, and someone you’ve always struggled with, now it’s harmonious. The thought of going to be with family that you always dreaded is now this loving, joyful experience. You’ve come to levels of completion with judgment of yourself.

You’ve had a lot of completion. And we’ll tell you, if it is your choosing, it’s complete. No more work. No more releasing. No more trying to fix it. No more trying to fix them. No more trying to change them. No more trying to change the situation. It’s complete. It’s complete. So let it be complete. Let it be done. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go.