Saint Germain Messagevia James McConnell ~~ April 2nd, 2017 Note: I'm not familiar with James McConnell's body of work. I resonate with this message from Saint Germain. |
Yes, I AM St. Germain. As always it is wonderful when I can share some of these moments with you. And these moments are becoming very special, very special indeed. As you continue to move very quickly now toward that understanding, toward that level of oneness that is bringing you to your next highest evolution within yourself and within your selves as a collective. You all have much to be grateful for, much to be thankful for, because there is only love ahead for you. All of the hate, all of the fear, all of the lower expressions of the lower chakra centers are all being cleared away, cleansed away. The Violet Flame — even if you do not use it every day as a visualization although that is helpful — even if you do not it is still doing what he needs to across the planet. You are all assisting in this process in any way that you can. And know that there is no greater or lesser part to all of this. You all have a part to play. So believe in yourselves as these things continue to unfold all around you. And it has been in the past and still to some degree this day, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear these things are opening up more to you. But even to those others now, those ones that are still slumbering; have still not come to an awakening state; even to them there are changes happening within them. There are spiritual changes happening. Their DNA is being shifted just as yours is. Their third eye centers are beginning to open just as yours is or already has. There are many understandings that are still yet to come, many indeed. But I ask that you continue to trust, continue to believe in the process, because that which we call the Republic — not the New Republic, although it will be new to many. It is really the old Republic. It is the old understanding that is coming forward that is replacing — it is replacing this charade that has been laid across all of you. |
It is time to move beyond this charade. It is time to move beyond the falsehoods. It is time to recognize and accept the truth. And as has been said many times, ‘the truth shall set you free,’ and the truth is there for all to see and all to hear. Just open up. Open up your understandings, open up your heart centers and it will all be revealed to you. The announcements you have been waiting for are close… very close indeed. We have all been working toward this. For hundreds of years now we have been working toward this moment, this time. For many of you it has been many, many lifetimes you have been working toward this. Now is the time to let go fully and begin to embrace who you truly are. And know that you are so much more than this shell, this body. It is time to understand the true level of your being. It is time to wake up — all of you and all of those around you — to begin the awakening process. If you consider your selves already awakened then so be it. But I tell you now you have not even begun yet the awakening. It is going to come upon you when you least expect it. And as it comes upon you it will leave you breathless in many respects. I speak now of the Event, of the Galactic Pulse. When that green light has been given and the Earth receives this grace, this blessing from the high heavens and the Galactic Central Sun the time is short now even from your understanding of time; and my understanding of time when I was there with you. |
And that time when the Declaration of Independence was signed I was there to be a part of that expression. I was there to bring this into a level of existence, a level of knowing. I was there just as I am here now. As all that has begun is now coming into fruition. Trust it. Believe it. Do not give up. Do not despair for you are very close now to the beginning of the end and a new beginning; what has been called the beginning of the New Dawn. And that New Dawn is about to break upon all of us. I AM St. Germain. All of my love, my peace, and the Violet Flame be with each and every one of you. Let it cleanse you. Let it purify you. Let it move through you each and every day so that all that has been, needs be no longer. |
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