Message of The Day

“Be gentle with your dear selves…you do not have to pressure yourselves into being and doing and becoming anything! You see, you do not need to become all stressed out or be in any kind of discomfort to learn to navigate more fluidly though your lifetime. When you become anxious about deadlines and following schedules, find out why you are worried and then let go of these fears and limitations because they are not valid.
Simplify and remove all unnecessary extra duties you have burdened yourselves with in the past, things and to-do lists that were meant to keep you busy in smallness and in an ego driven limited reality. Remember that the most efficient and powerful steps you have ever taken were the ones when you prepared the least and when you have followed the nudges of love.
Trust that that new magnificent you knows how to have you fulfill your entire plan within the Mother’s Divine Plan, when you become aware of most of the faint clues and signs, and when you follow and flow joyfully and playfully with your heart’s desire. Let go of hard work, let go of fear and doubts, surrender into the light everything that is blocking your way!” Lao Tzu (channeled by Genoveva Coyle)