Pleiadian Message via Christine Day, January 4th, 2018
Pleiadian Message January 2018 – Christine Day

Art Linzy Arnott
Beloved ones we greet you,
Humanity has moved into a new potential of awakening as another phase of the ‘New Dawning’ energy has entered your planet at New Year.
At that moment when you entered the frequency setting of 2018 the Sun physically shifted its position, moving into a more direct path to planet Earth. This movement created a new multidimensional opening on your earth plane, as a series of expanded multidimensional settings of light rays from the Sun entered the planet. The Sun’s rays carry the emanations of God. This shift brings another form of the essence of God to the planet, and you are ready to receive this awakening. Earth has undergone a complete energetic reset since that moment of New Year.You, all of humanity have been moved into a different time continuum, into a new phase of potential for self-realization through this expansion of God consciousness that is flowing within the planet. Your Heart chamber is now in direct alignment to those multidimensional forms of God.
Through this reset there is a rapid process of acceleration in motion that is going to intensify your human experience, the human drama, while simultaneously you are being reconnected, reunited energetically to Self. Letting go and stabilizing within your Heart will be an essential component for flourishing at this juncture.
The actual physical shift between Earth and the Sun is revealing a series of new frequency settings of light that have been activated within the magnetic core of your planet and there is shift in the central pulse of rotation within the Earth. You are being changed through a new pure frequency patterning that is emerging. This design is being interwoven from the central pulse into your Heart cells. This developed patterning will strongly impact you, expanding your ability to realign within your own unique sacred aspect, which exists within the sphere of the Heart cells.
Your Heart cells are multidimensional and will fully respond to these emanations of God that are flowing onto our earth plane. As you choose, you will undergo a metamorphic process redesigning your Hearts multidimensional potential, through activating the chambers that exist on a multidimensional level within your heart.
You have been in a deep and continual process of ‘not knowing’ over the past months, and now it’s as though the Sun’s rays carry a light to illuminate your path. You are able to move as a conscious community, as a ray of light, like a torch.
Through this New Year dawning, your potential for reconnection to clarity, truth and a remembering of your own essence unfolds through the Sun’s rays. We witness you as you unfold, we hold an energetic ‘Platform’ to support you in your transition.
The Pleiadians