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Ascended Master Saint Germain's 2018 New Year MessageSource: Ascension-SaintGermain Happy Happy New Year! Before I get to Saint Germain's message, The MAIN Event, here is a little info about 2018 which opens with a Super Moon BANG! A Full Moon on January First is VERY rare and it is a Super Moon to boot. What a great way to start the year! Just what is a Super Moon? In the "olden days" astrology said the moon was in Perigee which meant it was the closest to the earth in its orbit and therefore appeared larger and brighter. Now it is called a Super Moon which is more fun and descriptive than Perigee. Apogee is the term when the moon is furthest away from earth. January 31st is also a Super Moon & a Blue Moon (which refers to the second full moon to occur in any calendar month) & an eclipse, too! This is the year’s only eclipse for North America. Its total phase can be seen from west of the Mississippi and in western Canada. December 2017 was also a Super Moon, so we have 3 in a row! Quite appropriate to Saint Germain's Message. And of course, 2018 is a Master Year! 2+0+1+8 = 11, a Master number. Obtaining your Mastery will be easier this year, in spite of some pretty heavy astrological configurations. |
Ascended Master Saint Germain's 2018 New Year MessageThis year we will make great advancements in raising frequency for the planet and all who live upon her. A brand new Energy is coming this year. One that will propel you into a new level of Being. . . a beginning of the Super Human. Super Moons to Super Human, a bit of cosmic humor. This is what you have been waiting for, hoping for and hanging on to see this come in your lifetime. YOU are going to change, the world is going to change, even politicians and corporations are going to change, in ways that you can not imagine right now. As my former student, Albert Einstein, once said: "Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." You, and all, will reach a higher level of awareness that will then be able to solve the problems of the world. You will see things very differently and the solutions will be crystal clear. How do you move into this new Energy & Awareness in the speediest, most effective and graceful way? H E A R T !Stay in your Heart no matter what is happening to you and around you. It will not always be easy to do. You will have challenges. The chaos and darkness is not over yet, however, your Heart can help you through it. It is the only way. |
Here are clear instructions I wish for you to follow.1. Be aware of the world around you. Do not bury your head in the sand. Know what is happening in your country and the world with politics, education, finances, medicine, weather, the environment, and all other aspects of life.2. View them without attachment, judgement or emotions. Be the Silent Witness. Just observe. 3. You will see changes happen. You will see greed and corruption turn into kindness and respect for all of life. You will see anger and discourse turn into peace and harmony. 4. All will appears as Miracles, and they are, yet they are not, because that is the natural state of the new Energy and Awareness coming. 5. When you view the old ways, the greed, corruption, violence, and tragedies, STAY NEUTRAL, and STAY IN YOUR HEART. 6. Use the Violet Flame EVERY DAY on yourself and on the world. Whenever an incident happens, direct the Violet Flame to go to that location and transmute all lower energies. Turn the negativity into PINK LIGHT - this year we use the PINK LIGHT - always. 7. Write down ALL you wish to accomplish this year, as well as, what you wish to become. Dream Big! Read this list out loud to yourself once a week, every week for the whole year. 8. Take very good care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well, take time in nature, laugh and be happy. 9. Know that I AM always with you. Call upon me and I will answer. There is a song from "Damn Yankees" which opened on Broadway in 1955 titled "You've Gotta Have Heart". It's rather corny by today's standards but the message is gold. Let it be our private theme song for 2018. My deepest Blessings to you, |
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