The wish of the Father/Mother/One is that on planet Earth there will be only light, love, and freedom. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings dearest ones! I AM Gabrielle, Suzanna Michaela Gabrielle, Archangel and Lily of Love, Trumpet of the Truth, bringer of the news, in service to the Mother and to you all. And I come in such joy today to uplift thee and to congratulate you for your courage and steadfastness, for your determination in stepping forward and holding the light up for everyone to see it and follow it up, if they choose to.
In these times of chaos and turmoil, and we are not going much into explaining the reasons for the continuous turbulences out there, for as you know some of it is clearing and purging, and some of it is caused by the ones that are not willing to let go of the old fearful ways of ruling through the enslavement of others, and so these negative ones try very hard to capitalize on these natural disasters.
For you, dearest and brave ones, it really matters not why this is so, for you understand that your mission is the same…to hold on to that stable space of love and peace and more so, to bring joy and hope to everyone, regardless of the happenings in the world.
You are vast and magnificent beings of light, and you are anchored into where you are currently living, and you are anchored in many places of the globe through your aspects of self and so, you know that what you allow yourselves to feel and think matters a lot, for your vibration and light quotient will fluctuate accordingly.
Why not feel happy and light in every moment, allowing yourselves to go with the flow of light? Bring the peace into your heart and trust that you are flowing and bringing everyone with you, and yes, you are rapidly flowing into the Mother’s heart, into the vast ocean of the Source of love.
Everyone is being challenged a great deal at this time, and everyone has to face their own fears and limitations. You, the ones in the forefront, the lightworkers of the Nova Earth, you are being challenged as well to further let go, so you can expand your horizons in your work of the light. You turn to us for reassurance, and yes, we are right here behind you holding you tight in our love and embrace. You take one step at a time into the unknown, placing one foot in front of the other, knowing that you are on the right path. Your mission is being upgraded and expanded, and you are being entrusted with more responsibilities because you are able to handle the truths given to thee.
You can see now why it is not for the highest good of all that you have all of the details of your mission given to you upfront; you do realize in hindsight that your ego would have had you hesitate and sabotage the entire mission and plan. But now that you have started to see the real power you possess, you would not want to do it any other way.
You are trusting more and more of yourselves to be that emissary of love and light of the Mother and to take Her wisdom and unconditional love into the troubled world areas. You are guided to go with your blazing light and open heart into the darkness and to sit there peacefully and without any fears, silently allowing the love of the Source to pour into the ones that have been hiding in fear for so long.
You are the peaceful warriors of the light, but you are also going everywhere to announce and declare that the light and the love has arrived. You proclaim that the old times are over, and that the wish of the Father/Mother/One is that on planet Earth there will be only light, there will be only love and freedom.
While being firmly anchored into your divine authority, you do allow the ones that have lived in the darkness for so long to come to you, to feel the warmth of your light, to open their hearts and eyes and ultimately see that they are safe, they are loved and accepted as beloved children of God, and that they too can find their way back home. You are telling them, “ No more of the old ways, because this is not acceptable any longer!”, but you are also showing them the ways of compassion and love in beautiful and meaningful practical ways, by allowing them to see and feel the high vibrations of unconditional love.
Dearest ones, this is what you have promised to do when the time was right, and this is how we are changing and uplifting the world, lightening up one dark corner at a time. Your work is admirable and astounding, and you have my congratulation and full support!
I will leave you now with golden bubbles of joy and love. Until next time, farewell.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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