* Be open to receive this

Be open to receive this
As the sightings increase on your planet you will become less and less incredulous as a species about the existence of extraterrestrial life. We are being very sensitive to your people. We are being very sensitive to the whole of humanity for we do not wish to spread any fear. We do not wish to cause any anxiety. There are enough anxiety and fear on your Earth plane already without us adding to it. We are here to lift up; we are here to expand your awareness so that you might seek contact more and more. Of your greatest channels that are fully open, not all have had first contact.
But this will happen more and more. We are connecting with you on deeper levels so that you may be open and willing to accept the truth of the Universe. Over the last century, there have been many different sightings and much contact telepathically. We have been inspiring your works of Art, we have been inspiring your Films, we have been inspiring your books, and we have been inspiring your science fiction.
Truly we look forward to you opening to the next level of our communication. When you focus on the higher aspects of your lives you come closer to being able to travel the Universe physically. We have much greater technology than you can ever imagine. We had your level of technology billions of years ago and you are already exploring the Universe so the more and more you come to these concepts the easier it will be. Do not fear anything, the time has come.
As your synchronicities increase with your lives, your vibration raises, everything will be transformed and life will never be the same again once you connect fully, telepathically to your star family. We are expanding the light for you all.
As you expand your awareness you will recognize the polarizing effects on the Earth plane. More and more people are driving deeply into duality and all the lessons that can be learned from this are being learned very intensely. You are coming to a place where your consciousness is ready; your consciousness is opening up. The more and more that open up, that open their Merkaba, that connect with all the beings that are surrounding the Earth right now,and there are millions of beings, the more the collective consciousness is affected in a positive way. The tide has already turned; the positive is transforming the world.
We are here to give you an opportunity to have first contact. The more you connect telepathically, the quicker it will be for you to connect physically. As a species you are ready and this next stage is the most exciting time your World has ever seen. The channelings are important. You taking them on board and fully assimilating them will lead to more and more synchronicities for you to see the world as it really is. And for you to detach from lower energies, the lessons that you have learned in past incarnations and the lessons that you do not need to learn anymore. We are helping with all this.
There are ships stationed around every part of the Globe. There are beings inside the Earth that have their bases on mother Earth also. You are not the only inhabitants of this planet. The work that has been done has been benevolent to further your species and you are ready to travel the Galaxy now. Ready to meet the many species that love you and have been observing you. You will be urged to Travel to sacred sites ; you will have a longing to connect with individuals of a higher vibration and you will connect more and more. The more and more that you connect, the easier it will be. The more conversations you have about the expanded universe in respect without ridicule, the easier this transition will be.
More and more curiosity is happening and more and more want the truth. For this planet has been used for profit. Not by the majority of your species but by the ones who keep this idea down. The ones who suppress this are the ones who have a vested interest in you remaining ignorant and keeping the knowledge from you. But the more open you become to recognizing that you are moving forward to being a Galactic race of travelers physically, the more the excitement will build and the more you will take to develop your own selves. For it is within your vessel, within your consciousness and your opening aura, connecting to your higher self, your guides, and the beings that have been watching you and helping you that you will make the transition from telepathic connection to physical connection. And the less shocking it will be when our ships land. When it is an accepted and obvious fact to your species.
Understand that we have nothing to fear from you. We do not fear your War. Our technology is far more advanced than you can ever imagine. We have nothing to fear in this way. We do not want to scare you. Your weapons are primitive to the many cultures that are helping your society. We have no worries in that regard. We wish to make this an easy transition for you, for when you come to this understanding and you trust us we will share with you the Wonders of the Universe. It is time for you to experience this. Within this localized Galaxy, Earth is the most eagerly watched. We are excited to join with you.
Your hearts are opening.
Robbie Mackenzie
Artist: unknown