The Galactic Federation of Light:Universal Gateway

The Galactic Federation of Light: Universal Gateways

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Greetings to all. We are very close to you as our Motherships circle your planet, maintaining the correct vibration. However, there are many low vibrational influences on Earth, particularly from some of your technologies. We invite you to align with the vibration of our Motherships—simply ask, and it will happen.

This is a crucial period, as many universal gateways are reopening, and significant cosmic events will unfold after eons. This provides a unique opportunity for you to imagine stepping through these gateways into the 5th dimension, where you can begin creating 5D timelines. For many, this transition will be challenging, but we are here to support you.

Your energy fields are evolving, adjusting to higher frequencies. Those who don’t actively support their physical and subtle bodies may feel as though they’re being pushed against an invisible barrier. It is essential to maintain internal hygiene for the mind, body, and spirit. Your mind requires meditation and focus, your body needs hydration and a light, nourishing diet, and your spirit thrives on light—stay connected to the higher realms and trust your intuition.

We encourage you to exercise, take time for yourself, and create space for the Light to flow in. You can say, “I am ready to activate my DNA and receive more Light into my system,” and adjust the flow of Light with your intentions until it aligns with your needs.

This month marks a profound change in Earth’s cycle, and we invite you to attune to it. While you perceive time as linear, the true measure of time is based on Earth’s cycle, which is circular, not linear. Are you ready to synchronize with this rhythm and receive its support? The image above will help you understand the concept of circular time and align it with its vibration. It functions as a code. Print it, observe it, meditate with it, and adjust your consciousness accordingly.

This is a time of growth. Use the question, “What can I do now to raise my vibration?” Instead of losing time, use it wisely. Focus on what brings you joy without being a distraction. Uplift your frequency whenever possible.

Make the best use of your time so you become timeless.

We love you, and we’ve truly enjoyed connecting with you.