It’d probably sound trite of me to say that Linda’s going out on her own marks the end of an era for me.
There are two minds at play in me. The first one is grateful and the second, relieved.
First Mind. For seven years or so, I’ve had the tremendous privilege,
I’ve had the benefit of Linda’s many courses, books, and meditations, all circling around the radio shows and the value they produced for me.
On the air, I’ve been able to have the Mother confirm mysteries for me that lie at the heart of one’s understanding of the three levels of Reality (Trinity), her divine nature, the purpose of life, the process of Ascension, and so on. Who, ever, anywhere, has been as fortunate as I’ve just been?
Probably Suzi Maresca would say the same. Whenever has anyone had this kind of direct access to such sacred Beings?
So the personal contact with Linda and the form of service will be missed but respect for the Law of Free Will trumps all.
I’ll assist Linda in the future in every way I can. I love her message and I believe she intends to continue delivering it on a regular basis. I’ll be there and we’ll repost it.
Meanwhile, I’m sitting here amazed, now that it’s over, in utter astonishment at what I’ve been allowed to be a part of.
Sometimes you don’t consider things as long as matters are ongoing. You “just keep doing the show,” as Cirque de Soleil says. You don’t take stock until the matter is over. I’m now taking stock.
And I’ll probably walk around in amazement for a few days, just really getting what the last seven years have been for me. (1)
Second Mind:
The second side is relieved.
I haven’t had a working short-term memory since 2011. I sometimes forget what I was just told. What I just said
All this memory loss was done to wean me from the Third Dimension, apparently. It makes
Now my mission is done. I don’t have to be in that stressful situation again. So I’m at once sad but I’m also relieved.
Live interviewing without a memory can’t be part of my mission. Why? Because, if it was, I’d be wild about it, as I am about writing.
The Mother has said if it wasn’t a passion for us, it’s undoubtedly not part of our mission. She wants us to be in joy and I’m in joy writing.
So I’m grateful for
Writing to me is like what painting must have been for Picasso. Or inventing was for Thomas Edison. Both locked themselves away.
So I’m of two minds: One amazed and very grateful and the other relieved of a difficult assignment.
So I’m good. Don’t cry for me, Argentina.
And I wish Linda and Isaac the best in the future. We will post what they produce.
Suzi will be talking more about InLight Radio later, right, Suzi?
Thank you, Linda and Isaac, for seven of the best, unforgettable years of my life!
(1) And then it’ll be a case of getting down to work, mining the information we’ve all been given, and commenting on it.
I hope to find in the InLight-Radio transcripts more blueprints for building Nova Earth. I already plan – with Linda’s blessing – to gather all the Divine Mother’s messages into one volume.