Mira Via Valerie Donner, January 2nd, 2023
A Message From Mira Through Valerie Donner, Jan. 2, 2023
January 4, 2023

A keeper from Mira.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council January 2, 2023 through Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am pleased to speak with you today, for it has been a little while in your earthly times since I have spoken with you.
In your new year you will find this is the time of disassembling. You’ve already begun to experience what it is like as the third-dimensional material world is deconstructing.
You are seeing where the system is broken and is no longer functioning. This has created some gaps and some shortcomings in the system. You are adjusting and adapting and you will have to be doing much more of that.
As we review the Earth from the Earth Council’s position, we see that much is amiss. The truth is what you thought was serving you and functioning for you wasn’t really serving most of you at all.
The old way simply allowed you to function in a more rote manner. You didn’t have to think and figure out new ways of accomplishing what needed to be done. Now it is forcing you to be more creative to allow for new opportunities to provide what is necessary.
There are many old rules, regulations and laws that are now de-compiling. You might see them almost turning into compost, for that is about what many of them were worth.
They just held you and kept you in line. You were forced to do certain things that really were not necessary. It gave some false power to those egos that needed to be fed, for one reason or another. We will just slam that behavior into the folder of the past and say that that was the third dimension and that it no longer applies.
The third-dimensional material world no longer has the strong hold on you that it had in the past. You are beginning to see how unreal some parts of your lives have been.
Right now you might be wondering where you are and it seems strange. This is because change is rampant right now. It has to change because you are moving forward with love, light, and truth at breakneck speed.
Most of the dark ones are gone so they do not have the control over you they once had. This is to be celebrated. You will have much more beneficial lives.
The past is the past. It’s a lower vibration that pulls you down into a lower frequency when you get caught up into it. Let it go. Rise up into the new, beautiful, higher-consciousness light and spread that light within your body and wherever you go.
The Earth is becoming increasingly beautiful because you are infused with higher consciousness and light. We are admire you, we love you and we support you. We are here for you. We are going great places and you will be happy!
This is Mira and I am sending you all of my love today and always.