PALAS ATENA GODDESS OF TRUTH ~ The Negatives, The Dark Forces Have A Perverse Plan To Stop The New President’s Inauguration. But We Are There And Will Act Immediately.
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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora I Am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth. Just passing by to give you a planetary update. Everyone can now realize through social networks, media, the planetary situation that is very, very unstable. Elemental water is very, very, very active, very active.
Europe, as I already tell you Mother Fatima, is on a general alert, the whole area of the Mediterranean, and for the part of America, there is a big alert at the level of the Caribbean, Mexico, the west coast of the United States, not only for water, but also for tectonic faults.
At the level of South America you can also see quite complicated situations. In Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile. There are quite, quite compromising situations with the elements.
But this my beloved, this is very accelerated, very accelerated. Each day that passes gets much more accelerated. At the level of planetary systems, we can already go visualizing the decay of all systems of the perverse elite. They are diminished, but still alive, they are out there giving their last kicks. And it’s giving situations maybe for many, unbelievable situations.
It’s already coming to light, to the public lecture many, many truths. As I have mentioned, they are going to reveal many truths through the light team, who are on the ground doing their job. There they are working and giving the last blow to these forces.
The financial system is now practically taken by the light. They’ve tried to make and start new systems, but they’ve been confronted by negative forces that still have some controls.
But I tell you my beloved, there is nothing to worry about. Now with the new direction the north country has taken, a lot more things will be cleared up. There is good news with respect to policies and decisions that once he is taking the lead of that country, will be made and all benefit peace and stability at the planetary level.
Don’t trust those who think that this situation escapes from the hands of the light. We have it all, it’s all there. But we have to see where it comes from so we can give them the answer. We have them under our watch, very well watched. You already know, it’s causing unstable situations in several countries.
The issue of this large hadron collision has caused a lot of instability at the planet’s electromagnetic field level. They run and manage that, can’t imagine the amount of situations that are carried out there. Those projects don’t come to the public light. Very soon we will reveal the background, there are already people of light willing to give more information. But the reality is that these collisioners, but they blame other things, other situations, that also have influence in this situation as they are, solar discharges, all this energy that enters the planet.
Also the presence of the great Nibiru that is causing so much havoc on a planetary level.
One by one they will all go out to the public lecture, we have all those deceivers there. We are about, as you have already been informed to do the dissemination. Like I tell you, everything is very accelerated. We’re just waiting for some situations to happen. Star Commanders are all working hard, to make sure all of this happens, as it should.
All, all the Commandos are involved in this great activity of Outreach. They are working because we do some activity, they sabotage us too. But we will be there sooner than later my beloved, we are in the presence of a disclosure of truth for all, immediately the great solar energy. The sun is very active my beloveds as never before and all the star energies coming in. This is highly energized, energetically in all directions.
Those who are in positions of power that are not part of the light for them let’s go. Because this has to come, the new dawn, this change has to come very soon. Because everything, everything has accelerated at a great speed. Star Commands are also working at the Mother Earth level, helping with the situation of volcanoes, tectonic plates.
How many times have large earthquakes been predicted for the areas of the faults in the San Andrés area, but the Star Commandos assist and help to mitigate the effects of this large plate arrangement.
From the inner sun, from the sun of Agartha, also emerges great energy for the whole planet. All of these portals have also been crucial. Humanity is becoming conscious, it is in a process of awakening, they are no longer influenced as blatantly as these negative forces did before. Influence to control and subdue. But now much of humanity is clear and they know.
They want to unleash new plandemics and it hasn’t worked for them. But in any case, we all need to be alert, because we know many secret situations that they have prepared. But we act immediately, and humanity is already unwilling to live what it lived in 2020.
Beloved, I tell you all to get ready, that staying connected to your inner self is fundamental. I call them love, I call them inner peace, may you all raise your energy, your vibration, so that you all heal. All these energies are helping them, but it is necessary for everyone to do it internally, from their great inner world. The connection is within my beloved, be there connected to your I Am, from there will come all the information you require.
Take precautions by all means, be alert, watch for the signs around you. Stock up on the basics for livelihood. The time will come when all systems will collapse and even having all the money they have, it will be difficult to obtain the products.
I bid farewell and tell you all, because the whole planet will enter a very powerful transmutation. Everyone pay attention, take care, peace, love should be your great guarantor.
Question, will it be possible to disseminate before the inauguration of the new president?
Answer. All that is being handled, because the negative forces, the dark ones, have some perverse plans to stop the inauguration of the new president and if that is given we immediately take control of everything. We’re here in the rear guard waiting, they want to imprison him, they want to put him in prison for so many things, to prevent him, because they know that once he takes possession, they’ll end their prebands, their influence and control.
This gentleman comes as a messenger of light. And this is what we were waiting for, this great victory to bring globally the whole process to the light. We are watching Emanuel. If we see any suspicion or any attempt to prevent this assumption to power, we will immediately act. Because everything is set, everything is set, we have them all signed up, ready.
We have everyone who’s going to talk about this or that, this character or the other, everything, everything is ready. We’re just waiting for the right time to make this announcement.
Let no one despair, steady step and we have to give. Remember that many systems are still in your hands and we have to tread carefully. It’s very possible and it all depends on what I mentioned you Emanuel.
Does it mean that if the negatives make that attempt to prevent the takeover, the disclosure will come out immediately?
Of course, that’s right. Try what they try to prevent, we launch the dissemination at once. Otherwise, once we assume power, we can do it with greater freedom, without so much obstacle.
Wonderful, thank you very much, may it be like this without any obstacles.
I bid farewell, I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 13/11/2024