Forward Full Speed Ahead

Forward Full Speed Ahead

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart.

Turning a blind eye to change, makes the journey only more difficult, it will not stop the change. It is time to awaken to higher truths being made available to you now.

Understand the changes and upgrades occurring now are Universal, and not only unfolding on Earth. Think of the expansiveness of Creation, and you will understand the reality and truth that you are not alone in the Universe. You never have been alone.

There are in fact many higher dimensional beings who walk among you as humans at this time. The purpose of our presence here is to offer guidance and assistance to you during this shift on Earth.

Expect turbulence in the days ahead, for powerful waves of light from the Galactic Center arrive to Earth for deeper clearing of the dense energies. This will not only cause glitches in the matrix, it is going to cause complete collapses of certain matrix structures.

The process of ascension can no longer be postponed. You are to move forward full speed ahead.

The Heart Center is your key. Tune into the light within, for it is there that the Soul awaits your arrival, your return to your true beingness. It is via the Heart Center that you will see and enter the new world.

You are divinely protected, you are honored, and you are loved more than you can imagine. Blessings to You!