LORD SHIVA ~ THE PROCESS OF CRYOGENATED BODIES. My Original Body Is In The Big Ship. Remember that on the planet, 75% are clones, organic portals, beings without light. And the remaining 25% are really authentic beings, Christian humans.

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I am Lord Shiva, this morning I was explaining to Pastora the process of Cryogenated bodies, and in fact, I present myself as an Eagle. Internally the question, and I begin to explain, that we have our cryogenic bodies in the Ships.

All Light Beings in service, who have come as the 144, the 144,000 have their original bodies on the Cryogen Ships. It takes physical bodies to incarnate, to come to the ground. That is a process beloved, we select the bodies that adapt to the vibration and frequency of the being that will embody and we take that body.

Maybe you see me, how you see me, draw me, paint me, but I’m not really like that. My original body, it’s in the Big Ship and I present myself this way, because this was the body I took. Likewise all of us who have come, have taken that body, others take a human body directly for a couple.

As it was done with Yeshua, Mary was brought to the Ark, a process was made with Joseph, and adapted the physical field, that body was worked so that she could develop a pregnancy for a soul, for a being of such a high vibration. But you can also give that option.

So many Starseeds, many beings that are now incarnated in physical bodies, are Grand Masters.

The Rainbow Children are coming, all these children, all these children now come connected, they are Great Masters who have their original bodies, they come because they lend themselves to this service, to help the planet in this process of ascension, in this dimensional change. They are great Masters, great beings of light perhaps very misunderstood in this society with parents who have not yet understood the object of this creature, who see it with a physical body of a child, but is perhaps a great being of light.

Of course it works on those mothers bodies too. They are working on adapting their field to accommodate those beings. The joining of the Spirit is done at the moment of birth, of being. But the body must come prepared, and be with those human genetics. They are born to parents who are beings of light as well.

Remember that on the planet, 75% are clones, organic portals, beings without light. And the 25% are really real beings, Crystical humans. And those are the ones who are really in this process, and the others, already know their route, their evacuation route. They can’t stand the frequency anymore, they’re coming out. But this is not the topic today, what I wanted to explain to you.

Then once the mission is completed, the service they came to give to the planet, many will return to the Ships in search of their cryogenic bodies, and the process is carried out again to acquire their body, and return to their place of origin.

Often when we see someone, a being of light, we don’t imagine their ordinary original body. Many do not identify with those bodies we come in, that we have taken.

But really for example, Master Sananda Yeshua, took a body of a Lion, an original body. He came in that human body, for everyone is left with the idea of that human body for greater compenetration, for greater understanding for the level of consciousness. But little by little the beings of light have become used to seeing us with different faces.

At least the Urmãh Warriors are already presenting themselves in their original bodies, as well as many, the blue aviaries in original bodies. But those who come on these missions to the surface of the planet, come, acquire bodies, either through the gestation of a woman, others also with bodies taken directly into the ships.

Well this was what I wanted to explain to you my beloveds. Continue with your meditation and know that this is the reality of this world.

Maybe these bodies we have don’t adapt to the frequency and levels that are on the plane. Because there is a lot of density on the plane where you are and these bodies cannot withstand this vibration. This is why we need to drop the bodies and come in bodies adaptable to this dimension.

I say goodbye with all the love beloved Emanuel and Pastora.

I am Lord Shiva.

Om Namah Shivaya,

Om Namah Shivaya,

Om Namah Shivaya.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 05/10/2024

Comandantes Ishtar y Ashtar