Elthor the Dragon via Galaxygirl, October 3d, 2018

Elthor the Dragon 10/3/2018
We dragons see you
For this is what we are in the midst of right now human.
Feel the dragon heat. Welcome the rise of your own kundalini and rise with the Earth into new frontiers, new beginnings. But be assured that the fire – this fire of change – is tremendously hot. It will burn, melt and destroy all that is not aligned with Source light and love. For only Source and light and love can withstand itself. You humans, glowing with reading these words, you are being lit right now with our fiery breath. I Elthor bestow this dragon breath upon you. Feel the heat. Wear it has a mantle and join in the fight! And whether you go into the bowels of hell with me and transmute the dark shadows or hold the light in your meditative state – it is the same. It is honoring the light, serving the light, honoring the Divine Mother, the Divine
The fire rebalances, restores, redirects. It is merciless. It burns all that is not of truth. For
I am Elthor. I have spoken! We dragons partner with humanity again. Join us! Hurrah!