Journey with Linda and Archangel Uriel as they travel to Stonehenge…to the Standing Stones that were placed in position to mark, to grid, to anchor and to hold the history of beloved Gaia and the Cities of Light that are now emerging…
Stonehenge, Linda, and Archangel Uriel…
Archangel Uriel
Fall Equinox Webinar/September 22, 2017
Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love
Archangel Uriel: Greetings. Greetings, beloved friends. There is no need to cry; there is only need to celebrate! I am Uriel, Archangel…Archangel of Time, Archangel of Divine Authority, Bringer of the Future – and I will say it yet again – the future is now. And yes my beloved friends, I do not simply mean that the future of your being, of your path, of your journey is right now, I mean the collective future as well.
We come this day as an act of trust, as a walk of faith, and as an acceptance of your power, your Divine Will to go forth, assumption of your mantle of Divine Authority in the clarity and purity that the Mother has already imbedded and washed and imbedded again within each and every one of you.
We come together to do the ordinary and the spectacular. And this is the adjustment, one of the many adjustments that I am giving you this day. It is the adjustment to recognize, to embrace, to live, to know, that the spectacular…what you think of as magical, miraculous…is ordinary. And, what you think of as ordinary is extraordinary.
On our side, and what I have witnessed and participated in throughout infinite eternity, I never cease to be amazed…not just here and there…continually in what you might think of as a state of ecstasy, of bliss. I would call it ‘practical bliss’ because never do I step aside from my service to the Mother/Father/One.
And this is what you are learning. And you are fully eliminating…thank you Raj…those concepts, those constructs, those behavioral patterns and belief of lack and limitation…they are not real. Now, they have been an amazing, not pleasant but amazing creation of the human race.
My beloved friends, do you really think, can you possibly believe that when you were birthed, when the Mother breathed unique life into you as a form…initially angelic of various types, and then you progressed and became humans of every type…do you really think or believe that She said, in Her infinite wisdom and dream, “Now, let me create an entire species, the souls of which are of My essence and My heart…let Me create something that is less than, something that never realizes the fullness of their potential.”? It is almost laughable, is it not? Because that is not the way of love, that is not the way of the Mother. And essentially, it is not the way of you!
And yes, you have fought this, you have struggled, and you are claiming…not just that it is bestowed upon you – because it is…but you are claiming that divine right to create. This whisper of fear…that is ancient and a bleed-through from the fall of the human race…of being afraid to misstep, to mis-create, to fall into that illusion of separation from One, has prevented you until now. But that was the past and now we are in, together, the future which is absolutely the eternal now.
I am taking you on a journey and it is my honor and my joy. I am reigniting, re-illuminating, building your Silver Flame that you may see, not only your path but your heart’s desire. So, come with me, come with all of us this day and let us proceed.
I will not say farewell, for I am not going anywhere. But, I will allow my little channel the platform for now…
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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