Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 20th, 2019
Human/E.T. History ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited about the uncovering of so much of your past history there on planet Earth. We can see that people are digging up little bits and pieces, little clues to let you know that your history is far more extensive and glorious than others throughout history have theorized. You will discover your extra-terrestrial roots through science, and this will pave the way for full, open contact with e.t.s.
Once you recognize that you have already been visited and you have already been helped, it will be easier for individuals to set aside their fears and their prejudices, and it will be easier for all of you to open your arms, your minds, and your hearts to the other beings who want to connect with you, who want to play with you, and who want to co-create with you.
These are experiences that many individuals have been seeking for decades of their lives, and we can see you getting closer and closer to the realization that you have been visited and that you have been helped. You already have scientists who are discovering e.t. DNA within certain sea creatures, and those discoveries will continue. Eventually, the connection between your junk DNA, as they call it, and other beings will be established.
And you will continue to uncover the truth that there is life out there, even in your solar system, and certainly beyond. We know that none of this is news to those of you who are receiving this transmission. But we want to assure you that the findings of your scientists will continue to unlock the doors to a full and open contact experience for all of humanity. In the meantime, continue to look at the skies and analyze your dreams. Continue to see the evidence in your own lives of how beings from other parts of the galaxy are affecting you.
And we would suggest that you focus on the groups that are affecting you in a positive way, because they far outnumber those who seek to control and manipulate you. And when you band together with these positively-oriented e.t.s, you are very strong as a galactic collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here