Lisa Renee Report, July 9th, 2019
LISA RENEE – Time Shift Blog – Exploitation of Uncleared Trauma – 7-9-19

LISA RENEE – Time Shift Blog – Exploitation of Uncleared Trauma – 7-9-19
Dear Ascending Family,
Since May, there has been an ongoing sequence of accelerated plasma wave activations into the planetary body that generate strong alchemical shifts in the overall fundamental state of one’s consciousness, self- awareness and perception. The energetic acceleration has been intense and has been impacting some people with unhealed trauma to tip over into dire states of mental confusion and emotional body imbalances. When a person does not recognize mental and emotional imbalances that are the result of their own unhealed pain, trauma and fear, they can become completely controlled by these dark forces, unaware they are being manipulated by their own inner shadows. Mental and emotional pain when not addressed with unconditional love, kindness and self-acceptance, can erupt into a variety of ego defense mechanisms, in which that person uses the outer reality to blame other people or make up situations for the pain they have felt or for what they are enduring. The blame game is used by the negative ego in order to shift responsibility onto others that are convenient targets for projection. This is commonly perpetuated by a person that makes up a reality that is completely imagined in order to justify the actions of their negative ego. Many spiritual catalysts and awakening people are commonly projected upon in this way by those who remain asleep or controlled in strict mental dogma.
What I am observing is an acceleration of unstable people making up realities to suit their belief systems based on their unhealed pain. It is very disturbing to notice an acceleration of delusions and deceptions being paraded around as absolute truths from the most mentally and emotionally fractured people within the masses.
Projections of made up events about other people are a way to use character assassination to spread malicious gossip about the targeted person in order to ruin their social reputation. Unstable people are easily manipulated to repeat the lies they have been told, acting as the carrier wave to spread malicious gossip. As the steward of this website, this psychological warfare tactic to discredit my body of work happens quite often, and recently these attempts are only increasing, due to the many controversial themes and unapproved topics I have been willing to discuss publicly. At this time, I am the target of a character assassination campaign, as well as an attempt to prevent my newsletters and blogs from reaching an larger audience through shadow banning. Most that do understand psychological warfare know that those people that threaten the Controllers or NAA the most, tend to be the targets of an assortment of divide and conquer tactics, as well as projected upon with an assortment of victimizer archetypes. The collective victimizer archetypes are being pushed very hard into the minds of the mentally and emotionally confused, to get unstable and ignorant people to attack others through a delusional narrative that has been made up by the negative ego and pain body in order to relieve their inner anxiety. The negative ego likes to play hero-savior and imagine that they can be the hero that saves the people of earth from uncertain doom, that they alone have absolute truth and no one else knows this truth but them.