Embracing the Shift
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
Turning a blind eye to change, makes the journey of awakening only more difficult.
The times of ignoring the obvious are over. You must face and accept the truth that presents itself to you, and aligns with what is in your heart, not what is wanted by the ego.
We want to share with you that you have angels incarnate who walk among you, and millions surrounding the Earth in their true form, as they’ve done in the ancient days.
The purpose of our presence here is to offer guidance and assistance to you during this cosmic shift, which the Earth and humanity are experiencing at this time.
Embracing the shift allows one to flow freely towards higher timelines.
Let the world know that light and peace have already prevailed. For the spiritual organic human is tired of the wars, distress, and empty living on Earth.
In this shift you are going through a rebirth. With this rebirth comes a new mind, new body, a new level of awareness, and a whole new reality. All of these changes must occur and be felt within prior to be seen and manifested in the outer world.
Now is the time to realize that all of the above are in your energy field. Breathe, feel, commit to the shift, and see yourself morph into your Divine and Fifth Dimensional Self.
All the light to You!