Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchyfrom Planetary Activation Organization You are very close to seeing new governance, your abundance and a new financial system bloom before you! Our liaisons are quite overjoyed with what is presently occurring.As you start to move through the final stages, which return you to the realm of physical Angels, know deep in your heart the wondrous joys awaiting you. You are a most special group of humans. |
13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik Selamat Balik! This reality is being swiftly disassembled by the various decisions of a new group of the ancient families and the new royalty of Europe. Their decisions are making it possible to speedily take down the many-headed monster that is the cabal. Those who are involved in the legal aspects of this operation are quite pleased that these vital decisions are finally being made. Our liaisons report that the new financial system and its many parts are in fact completed. We expect these newly finished parts to take on the US Federal Reserve and its numerous central bank allies. The many precedents set up by our legal division promises to make these strikes quick and easy. These banks lack the precious metal support offered to the world by the new financial system. Hence, we feel that this new system can be in charge of a new financial reality before this 10th Gregorian month ends. These events can clearly signal that the many currency revaluations and the grand global currency reset can be finished and put in operation. This is to be the time when a whole slew of new governance is to be operating. These new governments are to finally end the decades-long UFO cover up! When this cover-up is lifted globally, we can start to broadcast a number of programs that are to inform you of who we are and to explain your off-planet origins. What the Atlanteans did to their political dissidents was a growing sign of their obedience to the dark. This policy was fully demonstrated again by the dark deeds of their successors, the Anunnaki. You have been treated since this time to a series of lies and misinformation. We, in the Light, intend to explain this history to you and especially the many manipulative stories recorded in your history books. Since childhood, you have swallowed what the authorities told you. This set of false core perceptions was repeated again and again. War is a psychopathic activity. The same can be said for hatred and the resulting false sense of a prejudicial superiority over those you are taught to hate. The rise of your consciousness is a process, which is beginning to fracture the set of lies concerning hatred and other similar feelings given to you. You are now starting to question what is told to you. We wish to use our technology to show you what has really been happening since the start of the last century! |
This world of yours is changing for the better. First, it is done surreptitiously. Then, it is, at the right time, these changes can become public. This process for societal change is taking place under high security as was decided on long ago. At present, the preliminaries are under way. These operations now cover the Americas, Europe and Asia. A new series of policies are emanating from the ancient families as a new generation of members of their various councils has come on board. These new policies are speeding up those operations, which were agreed upon several weeks ago. Hence, you are very close to seeing new governance, your abundance and a new financial system bloom before you! Our liaisons are quite overjoyed with what is presently occurring. This manifesting new reality requires you to see it in a new light. These new governments are to be transparent and need your close watchdog observations. Your participation is truly needed. The strong relationship between governance and yourselves is more than ever both needed and required! As you can see, a quiet revolution is starting to manifest. Each of you is the true reason for this most dramatic change. You need to see the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) as just the first step in a global event that is to end debt slavery and bring you a growing prosperity. Your deepest dreams are shortly to be met. In addition, the UFO cover-up is to be transformed into one where you can meet us. We see this moment as a true watershed in your history. The nearly 13 millennia of a global quarantine is to end. Your mentors are to initially take the time to introduce themselves and explain in detail who you really are. This is just the start of a grand adventure, which is to conclude with your divine time in your own personalized Crystal Light Chamber. Then you are to become fully conscious and reunite with the Agarthans, and with us. Your communications to Heaven are to be fully restored. A new star nation is to be born! You are to complete your grand destiny! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! |
Blessings! We are you Ascended Masters! At the present time, you are being bombarded with extra dimensional energies. These are blessedly boosting the many updates to your physical and non-physical bodies. All of this is about integration. The new physical components need to have their many spiritual parts merge with your physical and mental parts. This is how Heaven is rapidly permitting you to move successfully to higher and higher levels of consciousness. This divine process is happening in union with our allies and associates. You are as well being gently changed in your perceptions and your ways of dealing with this realm.. This is how we were prepared for our transformations. See these precious alterations as a sacred kiss from Heaven. You are truly blessed and cared for. Long ago, we progressed through these same types of changes. These took a number of lifetimes to achieve. The outcome was a marvelous state of grace and divine service. As you start to move through the final stages, which return you to the realm of physical Angels, know deep in your heart the wondrous joys awaiting you. You are a most special group of humans. You have suffered unbelievable sorrows and been placed in numerous lifetimes that have truly tested you. You have seen death, pestilence and the ill effects of unfettered tyranny. Despite this, you have not fallen from the sacred support of the Light. This is a long testing, which deserves proper recognition. We are a part of these grand lives of challenges to the heart and to the ways of Heaven. Through all these lifetimes, you have survived. Now there comes the final defeat of the dark and the grand triumph of the Light! We have watched and seen the horrors of life amidst these lies and a grand tyranny. You are blessed and given a sacred dispensation for full consciousness and a divine return to physical Angelhood! |
You are to be saved from any further lifetimes in this dark horror. We are awaiting you when you come in joy from the Crystal Light Chambers. This transition has taken longer since the dark cast a deep net of sorrow about this realm. This is removed! The next task is to fill this land with joy, freedom and prosperity. Already, our associates are preparing the way for things to manifest, which are to astound you. Hence, know in your heart that a new realm is forming. It is One in which the minions of the dark are formally removed. Those who favor that truth and transparency govern you are to need your full participation. Hence, be ready to exercise your new attainment of Light and Love. Be ever grateful and thank Heaven for this most sacred act of mercy. The Earth is to be transformed and you are to rejoin with your ancient spiritual and space families in the lands of Agartha. Hosanna! Hosanna! Today, we carried on with our weekly reports. You are very near to the time when this marvelous land is to be reborn. The dark is at last readying to relent and surrender. We are as well near to the landing of those who have long protected us. A truly grand moment is at hand! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) For more from the Galactic Federation |
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Your Won't Want to Miss Our Next Live WebinarWe have reached a stage in our ascension preparations when our vibrations are able to process more refined energy. The Galactics will transmit to Sheldan the latest information on our progress. More important, during this live Webinar they will ramp up the intensity of our energy vibrations.Please join us to listen and to learn. And get ready to hit the next level of vibrational energy!Sunday attendees wrote: Hi Sheldon and Colleen, as always, each webinar gets more exciting, uplifting, and genuinely filled with an abundance of light energy. Thank you! Both of you are darling lovable angels of light. Selamat Ja! DO/US I feel blessed to be able to receive such an abundance of knowledge through you and from the Galactic Federation. I have been following you for over 20 yrs. and am so grateful for the coding and vibrational energies received. In gratitude, Bianca Sheldan, Fabulous! Our Galactic Family came through with such reassurance, uplifting messages and bundles of love. It is a gift to the world. |